Old games you would like to see remade.

I think a new Pilot Wings game would be absolutely stunning. I'd also be curious to see a NiGHTS Into Dreams remake. I would eat a baby to see AvP2 remade as well.
shadowbreaker513 said:
I think a new Pilot Wings game would be absolutely stunning. I'd also be curious to see a NiGHTS Into Dreams remake. I would eat a baby to see AvP2 remade as well.

Man I missed nights somehow when I posted my want for an Ascendancy remake.
Nights was one of the best games I've ever played. I even have the christmas nights disk.
Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale
Planescape Torment

basically anything using Infinity Engine!
QW TF. With the original dark visual style and all. TFC is far too bright and flashy. It looks like fortress forever and "TF2" will also be extremely bright and flashy.
Road Rash (With ragdoll physics of course)
Herzog Zwei
Guardian Heroes
Dragon Force
NiGHTS: Into Dreams
Morrowind (With the Oblivion engine)
Severance blade of darkness had me hooked, too bad the game suffered from multiple pugs
when it was puplished.
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Jet Moto, Colony Wars and SW: Rebel Assault 2. And Warhawk! And Ace Combat 2 & 3! And MediEvil! And King's Field 1 & 2!
R Type for the PC in 3d but as a scroller. You can't have a first person R Type. You just can't. :eek:
Final Fantasy Tactics, FTW!!!!

This game could use a fresh coat of graphical paint and a translation clean-up. There are some serious errors in the text. I would love 16x9 support too!
I'm sure these have been mentioned before:

X-Wing/TIE Fighter series
Betrayal at Krondor
Street Rod 2

I'm sure there are some others, but those are the first ones I thought of.

Starflight- in the original context updated with today's tech. It's older thatn dirt, but an awesome game. Kept my Dad and I busy from MONTHS on the Tandy 1000 (way back when)

Starflight 2 had too much commerce but could be done right.
Unreal 1

No cheesy dialogue, no mission based goals, no rediculous communication devices...

Just Kick-Arse enemies in BREATHTAKING environments using UE3. I would love to see the remiagined environments like NaPali heaven, the SunSpire and the ISV-Kran.

To me that is the problem with most FPS Shooters is that they are just too busy. The ones that try to tone down the story are usually ones like Painkiller and Serious Sam which become repetitive.

I think halo was well received simply because it was a blend of simple goals and fun exploration with fun enemies. Very similar to unreal.

In addition...the unreal soundtrack is the best of any FPS ever!
I'd love to see a propper remake of Fallout. Last I heard there was one in the work,s but I think that moment has passed. =\
I'd like to see a good remake of StarLancer.

Now that was a nice, easy to learn, space fighter sim. You could target specific points on enemy capital ships and actually destroy them to gain a visible effect on its combat ability, including destroying every weapon emplacement on the ship. You had the ability to shift power dynamically between 3 stats on the fly, weapons, shields, and engines. It had a decent storyline.

Besides, how many real space fighter sims have there been since StarLancer? I'm talking, flight sim, not battle sim. Yes, there was X3, but the controls were in my opinion overly complex, and trying to control an entire armada of ships by yourself opposing an enemy armada that was controlled by a computer that can think and send commands to multiple ships simultaneously just isn't all that fun to me.

I do recall a game called FreeLancer, but can't remember if it was before or after StarLancer. It had some interesting gameplay aspects to it as well and either one would make for a great game if redone in more detail with some new features.
I'd like to see something similar to a remake of MechWarrior3. I'm not a fan of MW4, but I liked the others, especially MW3.
Langford said:
I'd like to see something similar to a remake of MechWarrior3. I'm not a fan of MW4, but I liked the others, especially MW3.

MW3 was my favorite out of MW 2, 3, and 4. I'd love to see that remade, or at least a new game that has the sim feel of MW3. MW4 just didn't have the same feel to me, and i wasn't too crazy about the story. I liked the plot of 3 where it's just your squad stranded, alone in enemy territory. Talk about tense.

I would also love to see Morrowind remade with Oblivion's graphics and combat system. I'm pretty sure the chances of that happening are zero.
I'd like to see Ultima IX done properly, instead of the half-baked abortion they released.

The game had some good things going for it, including a fairly unique interface. Its major flaw was that the technology of the day just wasn't up to snuff for the huge, outdoor environments they wanted to create... The Far Cry engine would be an excellent choice for a revamp. Also, some of the mythology wasn't consistent with the rest of the series.

That, and it won't run under XP, so I never finished it. :(

I am going to have to say none. Time to move on. Older games were great in their day, a graphical upgrade is great for a handheld, but leave it at that.
The following games with no gameplay changes, only a graphical/network updates:
Descent (add support for usb joystick and allow sensitivity adjustments as well as dead zones)
Red Alert
Hi-Octane (Now there is an obscure one)
S.T.U.N Runner -new and improved and/or a sequel. No other 3-D tunnel racering games have quite the same feel, but some have come close.
A 3-D Solar Jetman could be very challenging and fun.
Southpark FPS going massively multiplayer, CTF etc. complete with cowcannon would be really swell.
Golvellius: Valley of Doom that was a sweet game. Sadly I know it will never happen. :(

For years there were rumors that a sequel was being made. Never happened. Pity.

Mysogonist said:
Unreal 1

No cheesy dialogue, no mission based goals, no rediculous communication devices...

Just Kick-Arse enemies in BREATHTAKING environments using UE3. I would love to see the remiagined environments like NaPali heaven, the SunSpire and the ISV-Kran.

To me that is the problem with most FPS Shooters is that they are just too busy. The ones that try to tone down the story are usually ones like Painkiller and Serious Sam which become repetitive.

I think halo was well received simply because it was a blend of simple goals and fun exploration with fun enemies. Very similar to unreal.

In addition...the unreal soundtrack is the best of any FPS ever!


Lets hope 2k7 will be a clone of UT99 so us "old timers" will have a reason to switch. :D
wing commander.

Privateer (Yes, I know Privateer was a remake of Space Rogue, but hell it's good enough it deserves a 3rd goaround)

As mentioned in another thread, NFS:porsche Unleashed

Transport Tycoon Deluxe (no Chris Sawyer, not Locomotion, I want a GOOD remake this time ;)