Old games you would like to see remade.

I know it's not old but how about Battlefield 2 without all the bugs, more optimized, better balanced and better graphics? But this time Dice and EA shouldn't be allowed near the game. Put armed guards and give them the authority to shoot any person from Dice or EA in the face. No, seriously though, a BF2 remake would be nice but no EA/Dice involvement. As it is now it's a great idea gone wrong, at least big parts of it.
StarCraft remake with higher resolution choices and slightly updated graphics, nothing else! :) Also a remake of Rune, and a remake of the first Max Payne (same stuff, just upgraded graphics)
Battlefield 1942. No battlefield game will ever be able to recreate the feel of this one. No matter how far into the future they go...

The Diablo series, I and II. I got a late start with Diablo II, so it didn't impress me as much as it might have if I had bought it shortly after it's release.

ALL of the Star Wars fighter games, Xwing v Tie Fighter, Xwing alliance, Tie Fighter. ALL of them. One of the best games ever.

Contra (but only for PC). Nothing was better than the spread gun.:)

Heeeeaaaavvvvvvvvvyyyyyy Baaaarrrrreeellllllll!!! Anyone remember this game? Yeah, it was an arcade game, but I'd like to see it remade for the PC.

Call of Duty. I'd like to see this one remade with the most up to date graphics, HD, and re-done sounds, because nothing else in the series has lived up to the original to date.

That's all I can think of at the moment...
Ultima 7 and part 2

2d or 3d. The Guardian is still one of my favorite villains from gaming.
Deus Ex FTW!!!!

Am I the only one who mentioned this Hall of Fame classic? For shame on you all!!!! :p
There is one game that comes to mind....
the best pc game of its time....


The melee combat was awesome. Throwing severed limbs at people was spectacular :cool:
I'd like to see a true remake of BF1942. No updating of the controls, physics, weapons or anything of the sort. Just a full on graphical update.
Definitely fallout and FF7 but the one i would love to see with todays tech would be descent.
Half Life on the HL2 engine. I never got a chance to play it because I was never into HL back then but I don't want to play it now because it's all crappy and old which is ironic considering some of my favorite games are on SNES and Genesis.
There are about a gazillion messages already so I don't know if anyone has already said this, but i really liked the game Overlord.

I remember installing it from 5.25" floppys, I guess it was also released as a game for the original nintendo.
That would be a great re-make, RIP Westwood Studios. I wouldn't mind seeing Flashback or Blackthrorne having a re-make.

You remember that dedication video they had from Lands of Lore 2? One of the dev's died and they had a dedication to him. WWS made some great titles. Hand of Fate, Lands of Lore, etc... =)
Resident Evil II & III, Silent Hill.

Same music, sound effects etc. but with today's visuals. Holy shit...

RE had some really great mood to it I always loved (and zombies, of course), and Silent Hill even more-so in an extraordinarily unnerving way. Would be killer.
Septerra Core
and last but not least....I want a crazy accurate Oregon Trail simulator complete with everything from in-depth hunting to photo realistic grave digging for when a family member dies.

Task Force 1942 would really shine today with the graphics and sound to make those night battles in Iron Bottom sound come alive.