Old games you would like to see remade.

M.U.L.E. from back in the day of the Commodore 64 / Atari 800

Archon series from same era

Fallout series in the KoTOR engine (or its upgraded version, whatever it's called)

Duke Nukem 3D in the Half-Life 2 engine
The two games I was going to say have already been mentioned, but I'll give them a nod.

Bionic Commando

Flat out hands down THE best action game on the NES. I will debate this to the grave. It had the most impressive ending to a video game pre-SNES rpg's I have ever seen. From the beginning of the battle with the Albatros to the final diary entry, it was astounding. And it had an exploding head! And the word 'damn!' You don't get stuff like that often as a kid on the NES! An FPS using the D3 engine would be the most intense game ever. Some stealth thrown into the mix would not hurt at all. I started work on an Unreal engine mod back in the day to make a side scroller with some 3d elements (mainly with movement down corriders, like turning corners but the camera stays along side you) back in the day, but my dev team kinda fell apart. Never stopped dreaming of what this game could be, or why there was never a sequel. This IS Capcom after all.

Syndicate / Shadowrun

Never really played Syndicate, but loved the idea. Shadowrun was the closest thing to bliss I ever experienced on the SNES outside of the Square world. Cyberpunk is such a great genre, but it never seems to get done right. That Xbox 360 rumor whet my appetite, but I also remember an ad in some PC magazine looking for people to work on a new Shadowrun game with some crappy engine that never came out. I think we're better off for it. Genesis got the Matrix right, but the SNES got the story down. And it had the best soundtrack (again, outside of Square... and Super Metroid) of any game I had played. Deus Ex on shrooms, with a bit of steroids to make it beefy.

And for good measure...

Blaster Master

A boy, a tank, and the search for his frog. Need I say more? All of these on the Doom 3 (if today) engine, but preferably on the UE3.
I want to see a Sequel/Remake of Castlevania Symphony of the Night.

I'd like to see it in high res, 2D, a la Gradius IV/V and/or maybe Klonoa, if you remember that one at all...

After playing the GBA versions (Aria of Sorrow most specifically, amazing game, check it out if you haven't) I really need a new Castlevania adventure.
SHADOWRUN for Sega..... It needs to be rebuilt as an even larger RPG or possibly as an MMORPG... Awesomely fun game.
> A boy, a tank, and the search for his frog.

That reminds me... "Superfrog".

I haven't played a good 2D platformer in years and years. Are they dead on consoles too? Shame really. A multiplayer 2D (it can technically be "3D", but you know what I mean) platformer where 1-3 people must co-operate to make progress sounds potentially cool. Though off-topic.
Another Vote for Privateer....I am playing the Remake right now...just got my tarus ready to leave Troy system and am heading for New Detroit.....playing the remake makes wonder who owns the rights to the Wing Commander Universe....they have a cash cow that is just begging for a resurrection..
Lufia I and II
Final Fantasy 3 (come on, Square, you've been working on the remake since the Wonderswan Color days: just release it already!)
Breath of Fire II (an actual remake, not a re-release ala the GBA version)
Creation series (Actraiser, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma)
Grandia 1
Final Fantasy Tactics (I'd settle for FFT2, but let's see it already)
Oh man. The Quake I mod, Mega TF. TFC Just doens't cut it. Keep the game play IDENTICAL and upgrade the graphics. I'd play it for the rest of it's life.
Jedi Knight + Mysteries of the Sith.
Best Star Wars game EVER!
I would like to see a nice remake of/ or a them of Quake 1 (goth and NiN music is the best)
Terpfen said:
Lufia I and II
Final Fantasy 3 (come on, Square, you've been working on the remake since the Wonderswan Color days: just release it already!)
Breath of Fire II (an actual remake, not a re-release ala the GBA version)
Creation series (Actraiser, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma)
Grandia 1
Final Fantasy Tactics (I'd settle for FFT2, but let's see it already)

yeah, holy shit. FFT2 really, really, really, really needs to exist (as long as it was nearly identical in feel and depth of story to FFT). i would get down on my hands and knees every day and thank bejesus for that game if it came out.
Shzitt said:
X-Com UFO Defense with 3d graphics and realistic physics.
Yes. I want this, and no, the more recent games in the series don't count.
Stunts and Elite are good ideas.
How about shooters?
Tyrian would look fantastic with a modern makeover. :D

Too lazy to read all 5 pages, but just in case no one mentioned it yet...


is the one game I hope will get a remake.
If you want a nice doom remake just head to zdoom or jdoom site I think its jdoom but not for sure but the graphics are up to par almost with current 3d games I like it alot.
My two favorite games when I started PC gaming were:

Blood 2: The Chosen - Came out about the same time as Half Life, so it never really stood a chance. I got the demo with Computer Gaming World and was hooked. Never finished it, and after many different PC configurations I can't get my save game to work with a fresh install....damn....probably 50-60+ hours in that game (I never said I was good at it).

Motocross Madness 2: I LOVED this game! It was about the only game I played for two years straight. So many new tracks made by fans. Great game.

Honorable mentions:

Forsaken - Loved the look of this game, and the gameplay was pretty fun - flying in corridors blowing shit up. I gotta get this game to work with my Saitek X45 USB.....c'mon macros!!

Need for speed: Porsche Unleashed - Just needs better in-car graphics and a little better scenery (trees kind of suck), other than that, it is still a great game.

Superbike 2000 - Another one that just needs better graphics to be great again.

Grim Fandango - I don't want to build a Win98 machine to finish this game dammit!

Re-Volt - A few graphical glitches are all that messes up this game. Worked fine in '98.
x-wing and tie fighter. Privateer. And I could definitely get into a remake of Mechwarrior 2 and Ghost Bear. I tried Mech 4, skipped Mech 3. But 2 was awesome.
Stiler said:
Also, how could I forget? :( -

Interstate 76'

Great suggestions! All of those were awesome. You just can't make enough games with upgradeable cars as far as I'm concerned. :)
[H]ellbringer said:
Too lazy to read all 5 pages, but just in case no one mentioned it yet...


is the one game I hope will get a remake.

It was mentioned a few times. Actually, I think Chris Taylor is working on a "spiritual successor" to Total Annihilation called Supreme Commander.
Allaxul said:
Great suggestions! All of those were awesome. You just can't make enough games with upgradeable cars as far as I'm concerned. :)

In that vein, I'd like NFS:porsche - 2006, if the original qualifies as "old" yet.
Edit: MasterOfNone had the same idea just a few posts earlier. (Credit where credit's due, etc.)
Has Bomberman 5 been mentioned? The Saturn Bomberman was the best party game of all time (almost). Someone mentioned Illusion of Gaia, witch would be a neat idea. The original Secret of Mana would be to die for.
t3mp said:
Castlevania - SoN

Anyone remember those?? :D
Paradroid! Hell Yes! I still play that with my C64 emulator today. One of my all time favorites.

I'd like to see:
Ultima series (I love IX, minus all the bugs...)
Fallout 1
Fallout 2
Alone In The Dark 1
Privateer 1
X-Com Ufo Defense
X-Com Terror From The Deep
Kingpin (I loved the dialogues)
Quake 1
Quake 2
Half Life
Duke Nukem 3D
Tie Fighter
X-Wing vs Tie Fighter
X-Wing: Alliance
Dark Forces
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight 2
688 Attack Sub
The Last Ninja
Starfleet I (EGA Trek was very similar)
Freelancer (needs more: ships, ship customization, game content, random missions, and star systems)
Crusader No Remorse
Crusader No Regret
Heart of Africa

I'm sure there's lots more....

[EDIT] Even More:

Slave Zero
Ancient Land of Y's
Street Fighter 2
I was wondering if anyone would mention Re-Volt. I loved that game. I must've spent a full month getting all the cars unlocked.
Allaxul said:
I was wondering if anyone would mention Re-Volt. I loved that game. I must've spent a full month getting all the cars unlocked.
There have been quite a few of us that mentioned that one. Including me - check the post right above yours. ;)
More love for X-Wing, Tie Fighter, X-COM and the Crusader games.

Also give me a REAL remake or sequel to one of the best games ever, Master of Orion. The second one was "meh" and buggy, and the third one was horrible, didn't bother with it. I still fire that bad boy up once in awhile and waste some Klackon butt.

I'd also love it if they would make a new Space Quest game, man those were great. Too bad very few adventures get made anymore.
they should remake civilization and turn it 3d.
dont take anything away from the gameplay and still keep it simple as fuck.
honkee said:
they should remake civilization and turn it 3d.
dont take anything away from the gameplay and still keep it simple as fuck.
Only one question: Why? It works fine in 2d..
Recreating Civ1 with nice, shaded, scalable vector graphics seems like a better plan to me. :D

(That aside, Civ4 looks interesting.)
Oh yeah, X-COM!

How about shooters?
RAIDEN! - Just played it today. :D

NFS: Porsche Unleashed - I loved how you had to earn new cars and drive them well, because you had to repair the damage after each race.

Speaking of X-COM, did anyone ever play a similar game called Megatraveller? Me and my friend used to spend hours on that game. It was old though, might have played it on the Tandy or 386? I don't remember.
[Space Quest was so great.]
Bo_Bice said:
hell yea. mafia actually still looks great to me at high resolution and detail. wonder what happened to mafia2, the dev team said they were working on it a loong time ago. that was one of the few games that i never needed the patch for(patch only fixed one thing that only happened to certain people)

Yeah, MAFIA is great as is, but Id love to see MAFIA 2...

Well I can dream, cant I !!!!!!!!! :p

At least we have The Godfather & Scarface to look forward to!!
Karateka, I remember that game for c64. Pretty fun back in the day.
Blaster Master and Bionic Commando were two picks I was going to say.
Kid Icarus and Roadwar 2000 were two I didnt see mentioned.
> Recreating Civ1 with nice, shaded, scalable vector graphics seems like a better plan to me.

Not vector, but I'm pretty sure FreeCiv scales.
Final Fantasy 6 (FF3 in the US)
Final Fantasy 7
Chrono Trigger - I can never decide which is better, FF7 or CT
I cant believe that nobody else is asking for remakes of these in this thread!

RIVEN, I want to see RIVEN redone in real time 3D!
Cyan Worlds redid the first game in real time 3D as realMYST, and every MYST fan on Earth would buy a copy of realRIVEN! (Myself Included)

Second and third choices would be "The 7th Guest", and "The 11th Hour" from Trilobyte. Throw those games into the DooM 3 engine = me buying it!!!