Old School chieftec/antec/chenming case parts??


Limp Gawd
Dec 30, 2005
Anyone have any parts laying around for the old Chieftec dragon style cases?

I'm looking for the PSU mounting bracket, rear fan brackets, and 5.25" drive mounting rails.

I can look around after work today. I definitely have a PSU bracket and some 5.25" rails. I don't believe I ever used anything fan-related, so I doubt I have any of those, but I can check if I kept them.
I can look around after work today. I definitely have a PSU bracket and some 5.25" rails. I don't believe I ever used anything fan-related, so I doubt I have any of those, but I can check if I kept them.

That would be awesome and would surely save this awesome case from the recyclers!!

Shot all mine up in the desert years ago. Recycled the remnants. Sorry.
This is what I found:

I have one of the Antec cases and a crap ton of parts also. PM me if the other guy falls through.
I have 3 of those cases. Two are in use, one is sitting in my garage gathering dust. The two that are in use are my servers, one at home, and one collocated at an ISP. The server at home is the Aluminum version, the one in the garage, and the one at the ISP are both the steel ones.

They used to be fantastic cases.
Bryank930, I have the fan brackets. How many do you need?

Also can part with the hard drive cages, if you're in need. I saved my old full tower (steel, weighs about 10-15 pounds! :eek: ), that I replaced about 4.5 years ago. There's 2 rear fan brackets, and 2 hard drive cages.

Shoot me a PM, if you want any of it. :cool:
are you gusy taking about this Antec case? - http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1626691

I have some things laying around...
brackets mostly and all the plastic fan covers and the plastic wire manegent thing that I didnt use.

If anyone has this case in their garage collecting dust, I would love to purchase it for future mods.
Please PM if anyone is interested in getting rid of that case.