Old school Shuttle SB51G posting issue.


Jul 5, 2004
I'm throwing together a PC for my mom from stuff I have sitting around. and ran into a snag.

This Shuttle has been in the closet for over 2 years and not touched. The three processor I have are

P4 1.70Ghz / 256 / 400
P4 2.40Ghz / 1M / 533
Celeron D 2.26Ghz / 256 / 533

It will only post with the 1.7Ghz proc. I am running a gig of crappy Dell 400mhz ram I butcherd out of bad dell, could that be what is holding me up? Is there some compatiblity issue i'm forgetting? I've gone through the bios over and over, and reset the cmos a couple times. and nada. The lights come on and the fans twirl for a 1/2 sec but thats it with the other 2 processors.

She is about to get a 1.7 if I cant figure this out soon :)
90nm is Prescott. Looks like that's your issue. Might be a bios update on the Shuttle...but might not be.