old socket 939 board shakey, Any new ones available?

Dec 13, 2002
I need a new socket 939 board that I can overclock with.

I know it's a bit crazy to sink money into this old platform, but I'm just not ready to spend $200+ doing an upgrade to a newer X2 when I want to wait a few (4 or 5) months until I can get something really juiced up.

Any options, I see a foxconn out there around $40 but the bios o/c'in options look weak from the manual.

I've got an opty 165 (1.8ghz) @ 2.7ghz, so I need something with good voltage/memory options.
Yesterday? Really the s939 boards have been dead since about six months after I built my system and that was about June of 04. To the OP, you are better off spending the money and building a new AM2+ system with their prices right now. I know that you can find a used board for around $30-$70 on ebay but you can buy a new AM2+ board for that much. $200 will get you a nice board with onboard graphics, a nice dual core maybe even triple or quad core, and 4gb of memory. Really there is no use keeping that system alive for anything other than a streaming device or a server....
Yesterday? Really the s939 boards have been dead since about six months after I built my system and that was about June of 04. To the OP, you are better off spending the money and building a new AM2+ system with their prices right now. I know that you can find a used board for around $30-$70 on ebay but you can buy a new AM2+ board for that much. $200 will get you a nice board with onboard graphics, a nice dual core maybe even triple or quad core, and 4gb of memory. Really there is no use keeping that system alive for anything other than a streaming device or a server....

somehow I think a signifigant upgrade from a 2.7ghz X2 w/ 1mb L2, and 4GB or DDR500 is going to cost a sight more that $200. I'd need a phenom and a good one, or a core2 or better yet a core i7. I want to go well over 3ghz and AMD isn't even really there yet. Regardless an good upgrade requires me to spend at least $150 or so on a proc.

I think I'll spend $35 and keep my perfomance where it is for maybe another 5 or 6 months, then get a good jump to a core i7 or a phenom 2.
actually that foxconn board is showing $19.99 today. $20 bucks to keep your current machine running seems like a good idea.
so at stock speed that will be what 3% faster and it may overclock as high as 3.1, 3.2ghz, for maybe as much as a 20% bump in cpu speed?

Actually if you head over to the CPU forum you will see that the new Kumas (aka 7750) are being able to hit 3.5 - 3.6ghz on stock cooling/voltage. Plus, correct me if I am wrong has been sometime since I paid attention to Opty's, but wouldn't he be moving from a single core with 512mb L2 cache to a dual core (black edition) with 3mb L2 cache. Just seems that he would be better off spending the $200 (granted if HE WANTS TO and has the money) than spending $35 on a new board that will only sustain the system for a short while longer. Granted if the OP does not have the money now that is a different story.
well he can use the $35 for that board, and then he can actually resell the system on craigslist for decent money because it'll be complete.

or he can keep that system after he upgrades for say an XP box, and run windows 7 on his new box.

there are many possiblities. for $35, keep your current rig. you can't put a price on having a spare system. thank god we have 5 PC's in my house. someones breaks, they just use mine while i'm at work. it makes things ridiculously easy.
Actually if you head over to the CPU forum you will see that the new Kumas (aka 7750) are being able to hit 3.5 - 3.6ghz on stock cooling/voltage. Plus, correct me if I am wrong has been sometime since I paid attention to Opty's, but wouldn't he be moving from a single core with 512mb L2 cache to a dual core (black edition) with 3mb L2 cache. Just seems that he would be better off spending the $200 (granted if HE WANTS TO and has the money) than spending $35 on a new board that will only sustain the system for a short while longer. Granted if the OP does not have the money now that is a different story.

My opteron is dual core, dual 1mb L2.

I have my main rig, a core 2 duo 2ghz laptop, a HTPC w/ an AM2 X2 @ 3ghz and three beater boxes the best being a 2.0ghz AthlonXP.
My opteron is dual core, dual 1mb L2.

I have my main rig, a core 2 duo 2ghz laptop, a HTPC w/ an AM2 X2 @ 3ghz and three better boxes the best being a 2.0ghz AthlonXP.

Ok then it sounds like your best route is the $35 board. From the looks of it you really dont need to build ANOTHER system..:D
Ok then it sounds like your best route is the $35 board. From the looks of it you really dont need to build ANOTHER system..:D

yeah, especially considering your current opteron rig is a dual core anyway.

oh, PS: i would turn your X2 3800 rig into your main rig, make the opteron the HTPC.
yeah, especially considering your current opteron rig is a dual core anyway.

oh, PS: i would turn your X2 3800 rig into your main rig, make the opteron the HTPC.

Well the big deal there is that the motherboard for that system has HDMI audio out. I know I could get an ATI card to drop in there with HDMI audio out, but it all quickly escalates in price. Also it's a mATX chasis
Well the big deal there is that the motherboard for that system has HDMI audio out. I know I could get an ATI card to drop in there with HDMI audio out, but it all quickly escalates in price. Also it's a mATX chasis

ah, i understand.

stick with the opteron for gaming then.

oh, upgrade your core 2 laptop to 4 gigs of RAM :D that shouldn't cost alot, and it'll run mad nice.

in any case, get one of those cheap foxconn boards.

Please beware that they have NO MULTIPLIER CONTROL for Overclocking. I looked at reviews because i almost bought one but I ended up selling the chip i had intended to use.

but i assume youre not looking for a high FSB, so it should default to the stock multiplier (which would be the highest your chip's multiplier can go).
The Opteron 165 does not allow for multiplier change anyways, it's not like the Black Edition processors.