Oldest Browser?


Apr 22, 2005
just fired up an oldie still runs too

Now that's a piece of history right there. It's what Internet Explorer is based off of.
Rombus said:
Try going to some modern site on it and take a screen shot :D

will do. Tried [H] but thats a nogo this thing never heard of php .
If I remember correctly, that's the browser I watched the original kasparov vs. computer (deep blue?) match on. Either that, or a really early Netscape.
flynlr said:
and here is ebay using netscape 1.0


OMG.. I have Nutscrape 1.0 sitting on a backup CD somewhere, I will have to dig it out..
I Still have Trumpet too...
I'm currently using the oldest existing browser still in active development! At least I'm fairly sure it is. It was first released in 1995 and is still updated.
Black Morty Rackham said:
I'm currently using the oldest existing browser still in active development! At least I'm fairly sure it is. It was first released in 1995 and is still updated.

Netscape? Internet Explorer? Mozilla?