OMG stop confusin me!! dell3007 vs Westy37


Dec 2, 2005
Gawd I hate you people!!

I mean I've made my mind up concerning getting the dell 3007.....I am getting it. I didn't want to have to consider anything else but all you people talking about westy this and westy that. Argh ok! Lemme go over to J&R computer and appliances and take a look at it.
And so I did.

They didn't have any more of the westy 37 inch so I looked at the westy 32 @1366x768....and it well sucked imo.
But I then realized that the westy37 is at 1920x1080. hmmmmmm I wondered to myself. I then took a look at a few 37 inch sized tvs to get a feel for watching a screen that big. It felt kind of big....for a monitor I mean. :| (I like to put my nose right up to monitors)

I still need to find an actual 37 inch westy running at 1920x1080 and watch it for both movies/tv and for gaming before I can say if I want it. ARGH DAMMIT!! this is where I hate you guys. My heart and plan was to get the dell3007 which is a great great monitor for its size. And at 2560x1600 it would one heck of a monitor. Then later when I can save up for it (or get an extension on my credit limit) I would get a 50 INCH plasma for tv watching. :D
I would have two really great devices that would be the ultimate at what they do. But now because of all this talk about the westy37 I have to consider owning it.

If I were to get the westy37 it would be really good at doing both....being a monitor and a tv. Good but not stupendous. Trouble is I desire stupendous. :)
At 1920x1080 it would have a very high res for pc gaming and should look good. Desktop duty shouldn't be too bad either as well as not having to stress my budget for a brand new video card upgrade. But for a 37 inch screen 1920x1080 isn't exactly the best for a monitor.

And at 37 inches...while it would be an approvement over my stupid little regular tv....doesn't really compare to 50 inch display. Furthermore, I would feel uncomfortable looking at a 37 inch display real real close.

ARGH!!! This friday I am going to find a store that actually has the westy 37 inch on display and try to get the store to show the thing running at full res with some pc input and a dvd.
Ultimately, I think I will still get the dell 3007 but I need to get this thing about the westy 37 inch out of my mind for good by looking at it in person.
well seems like u had ur heart set on the 30in dell and a 50in plasma. if that's the case i would recommend that route. us westy owners just like to compromise and save money. so we bought a monitor that is pretty good at both. it really comes down to ur budget
For me its the fact that I am moving into an apartment and I wanted an LCD/TV I could use for pc and hdtv. I am hellbent on the 42" Westinghouse Video Monitor whenever it hits bestbuy(Anyday now dangit).

1 HDMI, 2 DVI-HDCP, 1 VGA, 2 Components.

So that basically lets me hook up:
DVI1 to PC
DVI2 to digital cable box
Component 1 to Xbox 360
HDMI to PS3 maybe well see how that goes.
Component 2 to ps2 until ps3.

From my understanding the dell only got the dvi-input. Not to mention now with the dell 3007FPW I would have to put out another $1000 - $1200 on a set of graphics cards capable of displaying 2536X1600 or whatever that res is with some high settings on to get decent fps. Thats like $4000 just for the monitor and an sli or crossfire setup.

I am hellbent on a large screen monitor ever since i got to play COD on a big benq lcd about a year and a half ago. I spent 45 mins on that thing and did not want to get off but the line was forming behind me and I needed to be nice.

Also, I notice my friend on his 19 inch monitor tends to start about a foot and half away from the screen and 15 mins into it hes right up close. I tend to think its because as you get more focused on the game you tend to get closer to get the screen to fill your whole perifial vision so as to not get distracted by things around your pc. With my 2405 FPW I noticed after a few months I was not getting closer to the monitor as it was big enough for me to see everything from left to right. I sit about a foot and half away from the 2405fpw.
sory I was typing too fast! ............sorry not sory. :|

You know, there is a "Backspace" key on the keyboard. So it is possible to correct typos once you notice them.

I'd just look at screen size per $. As long as it has the appropriate connectors.
Empyrean said:
You know, there is a "Backspace" key on the keyboard. So it is possible to correct typos once you notice them.

I'd just look at screen size per $. As long as it has the appropriate connectors.

Was kidding about spelling sorry. :p
But seriously, I'm not rich but I like what I like and I will do whatever to get it. But......I'm willing to seriously consider the westy 37 inch if I can check it out running a game and dvd.

Somebody record some video using the divx format so I can see it at good of the westy running half life 2 or something at the full res of 1920x1080 (is that a widescreen res?) and then of it running a dvd movie.
Then upload the movie to google video.

Please? :confused:
hodiscuss said:
Sceptre is releasing its 42 " 1080p LCD TV by early March 2006 (if not in Feb)
There are webchats about the discounted price possibly being $1699 at Costco during the first week of March...

Hmmm, a 42" 1080p LCDTV possibly for $1699, confusing you even more? :p :D ;)

Sceptre 42" LCDTV info:

No. And I will tell you why not.....its the screen res. Even if....even if the top res of that monitor is 1920x1080 for a screen as big as 42" it will not look very good. Most monitors that large run at 1366x768 and 1920x1080 would be an improvement ok sure. But when you try to use it as a monitor is where it would suck. I'm not sure I would get a 42" lcd/tv even if its top res was 2560x1600. :|

The bigger the display the larger the screen res has to be for it to look decent as a monitor.
Then you shouldn't be confused about getting the Dell 3007 vs. Westy 37.

I think the 42" 1080p (1920 x 1080) is about equivalent DPI as a 30" 720p (1366 x 768) display
StalkerZER0 said:
The bigger the display the larger the screen res has to be for it to look decent as a monitor.
Correct, and even with the 37" westy, I'm almost certain it would be a problem, at least for me. And since you're like me and like to get really up close to a monitor (not good for the eys though :D), I would advice you to get the Dell.
weemies said:
Correct, and even with the 37" westy, I'm almost certain it would be a problem, at least for me. And since you're like me and like to get really up close to a monitor (not good for the eys though :D), I would advice you to get the Dell.

Yeah thats my assessment as well. But with all the talk about the westy 37 I thought I should investigate it a little. What drew my attention in the first place was the fact that a dedicated tv actually had a resolution much higher than normal.....for a tv I mean. To go from 1366x768 to 1920x1080 is a dramatic increase.....for a tv lol. And for pc games in general 1920x1080 is considered a real high resolution so even on a 37 inch it shouldn't be that bad. And thats why I was at least considering it.
But I think I will find a store this friday that sells it and try to have a look at it during my lunch hour.
you will find that, the SD content will look terrible on the Westy because of its native high res. I bet if the dell had component inputs, it would look even worse on the dell cause of the even higher res
gaming on the 30"....hell

gaming on the westy....beautiful

desktop on the 30"....beautiful

desktop on the westy....mediocore

gaming is where you hit the could game in a window.....i mean, a res that high would be really tough to work with (talking about the dell)

and the westy IS a it will really only be good for gaming
HopePoisoned said:
gaming on the 30"....hell

gaming on the westy....beautiful

desktop on the 30"....beautiful

desktop on the westy....mediocore

gaming is where you hit the could game in a window.....i mean, a res that high would be really tough to work with (talking about the dell)

and the westy IS a it will really only be good for gaming

Why would you think gaming on the 30" would be hell?
Yes it would be hell if the video card your using sucks. But I'm getting the 7900gtx in march or perhaps the card that is coming out later in the year from nvidia the multi-core gpu'ed G80 card. :)
3007 users are already reporting good frame rates with high end games running at the native resolution of 2560x1600 using just 7800gtxs. Gawd that REALLY must be beautiful! :D
StalkerZER0 said:
Why would you think gaming on the 30" would be hell?
Yes it would be hell if the video card your using sucks. But I'm getting the 7900gtx in march or perhaps the card that is coming out later in the year from nvidia the multi-core gpu'ed G80 card. :)
3007 users are already reporting good frame rates with high end games running at the native resolution of 2560x1600 using just 7800gtxs. Gawd that REALLY must be beautiful! :D

framerates are subjective. and depends heavily on the game. the source engine already runs very fast on a 6800/x800 series card even at 1920x1200. how ever don't even think about running doom3 or quake 4 at that resolution. FEAR barely runs well already on single card solutions (except for the x1900). WOW, i believe is a directx8 game, so it'll run well at high resolutions.

the point i'm trying to get at is, smooth to one person may not be smooth to another. some people can live with 30-40fps some people want 60+fps. also it depends on the game
StalkerZER0: said:
3007 users are already reporting good frame rates with high end games running at the native resolution of 2560x1600 using just 7800gtxs. Gawd that REALLY must be beautiful! :D
Where are people stating that they're getting good framerates using 7800GTXs? Surely they're running SLI setups if they're using the native 2560x1600 res.
DouglasteR said:
:eek: this is true !?

True in the sense that the Westy has the better response time and contrast ratio, whereas the Dell has more pixels so you can see more on a desktop.
truffle00 said:
True in the sense that the Westy has the better response time and contrast ratio, whereas the Dell has more pixels so you can see more on a desktop.

no way the westy has better contrast and response than the Dell? also, i realize any manufacturer can lie about numbers, since there is no real way the consumer can test them.
i guess the only real test is using the naked eye?
The Westy 37" Makes one hell of a Desktop monitor. If I had the choice now I would still go with the Westy hands down. The Dell is a punny little 30" incher for a joke of a price. Rez on the Westy is plenty for 95 percent of the computer users out there and it isnt going to be a problem for you because everything is crystal clear on it.
dont know much about the dell, but the westy 37 sux. my friend picked one up in november, and the b&c ratios are crappy. i brought over van helsing in Hd since its a dark movie, and the westy did a very poor job, compared to my tv.

when its hooked up through the vga cables, it looks extermely NICE.

the westy handles bright scenes VERY GOOD, its just the darks scenes that looks bad.
I"ve been trying to deciede on a new LCD for a couple of weeks now, and since i had considered both of these monitors, i'll throw out my two cents. Please note that these are merely my opinions.

The 30" Dell - I thought long and hard about this monitor. The fact that it only has one DVI input didn't bother me, as i'm going to be using this only with my computer. The HDCP compliance was a plus, but again, didn't really matter to me, as i don't see myself watching movies on my computer. The price was more than i wanted to spend, but this is a Dell were talking about, we all know it will be going on sale this summer (which i would be willing to wait for). The one thing that i really liked about this monitor, the 2560x1600 resolution, was also the thing that ended up making me go another route. I'm sure my 7800GTX SLI rig could handle that res without too much trouble, but what about games that come out next year? or a year and a half from now? There's a good chance that i'll have a new video card(s) in the next couple of years, but i don't want to have a monitor that FORCES me to buy every new generation of technology.

37" Westinghouse - This monitor has a much more reasonable resolution, and from the screen shots i have seen, has a pretty nice picture. The price was again a little more than i wanted to spend, and apparantly, this thing only goes on sale in Texas. I still decieded to go take a look at it at Best Buy, and it was just too big for me. After the $1800 monitor purchase, it would require a new desk for me. Plus, even in Best Buy, it seemed very bright. Not a "this thing sucks too bright", but a "i would get headaches sitting two feet away from this thing playing games" too bright. As a TV, this wouldn't be an issue, but as a computer monitor, it wouldn't work for me.

Now i'm still contemplating between a 2405/7 or the 21" gateway, but thats a discussion for another thread.
APOLLO said:
Where are people stating that they're getting good framerates using 7800GTXs? Surely they're running SLI setups if they're using the native 2560x1600 res.
Why not? :confused: With such a high resolution, you can live without AA, so gaming is not impossible with "just" a 7800 GT, let alone a GTX or 512 or G-d forbid, SLI. :eek:
bizzy420 said:
dont know much about the dell, but the westy 37 sux. my friend picked one up in november, and the b&c ratios are crappy. i brought over van helsing in Hd since its a dark movie, and the westy did a very poor job, compared to my tv.

when its hooked up through the vga cables, it looks extermely NICE.

the westy handles bright scenes VERY GOOD, its just the darks scenes that looks bad.

The Westy far from suxs. :rolleyes: What you see with darks on LCD is very common, Some do it better than others but it is far from perfect on any LCD. Plasmas and CRT's do the best with Darks. The Westy is a great all around HTPC monitor that can also be used as your main computer monitor without an issue other than the size may overwhelm someone sitting so close to it. Believe me you get use to it and everything else out there just wont cut it anymore after you have used the Westy. Well other than the Westy 42" that I see is now on sale but for a good bit more money.
seniorpaul said:
I"ve been trying to deciede on a new LCD for a couple of weeks now, and since i had considered both of these monitors, i'll throw out my two cents. Please note that these are merely my opinions.

The 30" Dell - I thought long and hard about this monitor. The fact that it only has one DVI input didn't bother me, as i'm going to be using this only with my computer. The HDCP compliance was a plus, but again, didn't really matter to me, as i don't see myself watching movies on my computer. The price was more than i wanted to spend, but this is a Dell were talking about, we all know it will be going on sale this summer (which i would be willing to wait for). The one thing that i really liked about this monitor, the 2560x1600 resolution, was also the thing that ended up making me go another route. I'm sure my 7800GTX SLI rig could handle that res without too much trouble, but what about games that come out next year? or a year and a half from now? There's a good chance that i'll have a new video card(s) in the next couple of years, but i don't want to have a monitor that FORCES me to buy every new generation of technology.

37" Westinghouse - This monitor has a much more reasonable resolution, and from the screen shots i have seen, has a pretty nice picture. The price was again a little more than i wanted to spend, and apparantly, this thing only goes on sale in Texas. I still decieded to go take a look at it at Best Buy, and it was just too big for me. After the $1800 monitor purchase, it would require a new desk for me. Plus, even in Best Buy, it seemed very bright. Not a "this thing sucks too bright", but a "i would get headaches sitting two feet away from this thing playing games" too bright. As a TV, this wouldn't be an issue, but as a computer monitor, it wouldn't work for me.

Now i'm still contemplating between a 2405/7 or the 21" gateway, but thats a discussion for another thread.

Why would you think you would have to upgrade your video card every generation with the 3007? The upcoming 7900gtx (considering just nvidia for the moment) as a single card solution will surely be more than enough for anyones needs when running games at the native res. Plus, I'm seriously considering waiting for the cards based on the g80 chips debuting near the end of the year.....8800 maybe? I might do that because those will be the first DX10 cards and I need to consider that because of vista's needs.
And, if I were to do that I wouldn't have to upgrade for a long time being as the unreal 3.0 engine and similar stuff won't be overtaken by more advanced tech til say bout 3 years from now.
You all know how game devs drag their feet right?