OMG! unlimited rentals for 9.99/month?


Feb 10, 2004
a friend told me about this deal that HOLLYWOOD VIDEO is running to compete with netfliks and 9.99 a month for the first 3 months after that 14.99. the only limit is 3 movies at a time. i have been back to HV 4 times so far and hopefully if i am done ;) watching ;) these three in the next few minutes i will be back again for the fifth set of 3... no per day/week or month limit... i might get 150-200 movies :D watched :D this month...

now to find a larger HD and a second nec2500... to watch them all with of course
sleepy said:
a friend told me about this deal that HOLLYWOOD VIDEO is running to compete with netfliks and 9.99 a month for the first 3 months after that 14.99. the only limit is 3 movies at a time. i have been back to HV 4 times so far and hopefully if i am done ;) watching ;) these three in the next few minutes i will be back again for the fifth set of 3... no per day/week or month limit... i might get 150-200 movies :D watched :D this month...

now to find a larger HD and a second nec2500... to watch them all with of course
Just as a note, you have to wait 4-6 weeks for movies after thier DVD/VHS release date before they can be rented. I signed up for this last month, it's a pretty good deal, but I think I'll end it after my 3rd month. You can only watch so many movies...
They have been doing this for a while.
Both HV and Blockbuster offer this service.
dont lose the movies for holloywood, they charge you 53 bucks a piece... even if they are movies from the 90s...
and their collection of movie sucks:| I cant find any of the movies I want..
You see thats odd, i hear that Blockbuster is the best. But here in Houston, all the Blockbusters suck, and are highly overpriced. Hollywood Video is great and cheap usually.
Blockbuster's deal is better, IMO.

$25/mo, 2 at a time, but you can get anything. No late fees, any movie at all, and you can still exchange them as quickly as you want. I'm nearing the end of my first month -- I just picked up my 20th movie today. That's over $80 in rentals.

Regardless, any deal like this is better.
Yeah, I use BB here in Houston and for $25/mo i'm watching 1-2 movies per day during the week usually. It's not bad. :D
yoda634 said:
Blockbuster's deal is better, IMO.

$25/mo, 2 at a time, but you can get anything. No late fees, any movie at all, and you can still exchange them as quickly as you want. I'm nearing the end of my first month -- I just picked up my 20th movie today. That's over $80 in rentals.

Regardless, any deal like this is better.

Yeah I wish I could get in on that deal, but none of the Blockbusters in my city offer it :( .
33 movies ;) "watched" ;) in 3 days... will have to see if i can get 100-150 for the month... going to have to strap a barcolounger to my butt i guess
IDversusEGO said:
33 in 3 days? don't think you are sending up a red flag there do you?

Good point, but there is really nothing they can do.
He could legitimately be renting movies for a house full of people. Or a dorm full.

The most I have taken home at one time is 8, but 1/2 of them were 2 day rentals.
So only 4 came back the next day.
That has got to be nearly impossible. 1.5 hours x 33 movies is 49.5 hours. I know not all movies are 1.5 hours but still.. some go over that....
If you live 4 to an apartment and each of you wanted to watch different movies then you effectively have 96 hours per day to do so... Even if they do suspect you, what can they do? They didn't limit the number of rentals, and you aren't even required to tell them what you are doing with the movies.
asyork said:
If you live 4 to an apartment and each of you wanted to watch different movies then you effectively have 96 hours per day to do so... Even if they do suspect you, what can they do? They didn't limit the number of rentals, and you aren't even required to tell them what you are doing with the movies.

IANAL, but I would think that renting an obscene amount of movies in a short period of time would be justification enough for many judges to issue a warrant to see if you're running an illegal DVD copying service.

Probable cause doesn't mean "the only explanation", it means the most likely. Call me paranoid, but having just read news about the feds might soon be able to search a huge amount of databases, both public and private, I'd be a little worried about someone matching up my rental history with my blank DVD purchasing habbits.

But then, you purchase all your media locally with cash, right? :D
tbase said:
IANAL, but I would think that renting an obscene amount of movies in a short period of time would be justification enough for many judges to issue a warrant to see if you're running an illegal DVD copying service.

I'm not worried about that, but I hope "abuse" of the unlimited rentals doesn't cause restrictions in the future. I've rented over 35 movies the first month (so far, a few days left) and I watch the movies before I get more. Even at $24.99, after the first month for $14.99, it's a great deal. I easily spent $20 a month buying movies before, plus another $10-$15 a month renting. I'll go for another month at least, then maybe switch to Hollywood Video.
IDversusEGO said:
33 in 3 days? don't think you are sending up a red flag there do you?

well the first couple of days i had a couple of the drones ask me how i was able to watch the movies so fast... i told them the truth or a version of it... ;) fast forward ;) like 16x or so what is killing me is processing time but enuf about that. the drones now know me on sight and dont even need the rental card anymore. i worked 10hrs today and girlfriend is staying over so i only got 3 more today but tomorrow is full of promise for at least 6 more and the next 2 days might get 9 or so each day for a total of 60 in the first week.

my guess is that being drones they really don't care what i am doing they just like it that someone remembers their name.
netflix ownes. i like not having to go to the video store. especially to return movies.
I had this for BlockBuster during the summer and it was great! I had rented at least 5-7 movies a day because the blockbuster was right in front of my house. Go for it if you are a movie buff and have alot of time on your hands. for me it was only good for summer :(
m0nty said:
dont lose the movies for holloywood, they charge you 53 bucks a piece... even if they are movies from the 90s...

Can't you just rebuy the movie, put the DVD in the case, and give it back? Or are the discs themselves marked?

Personally, I rent from a local place that does block deals. Movies are normally $2.50, though you can buy a 20 movie block for $40, a 40 for $60, or a 100 movie block for $100. $1 per movie isn't bad, plus if you use the blocks the people there will usually excuse minor late fees. I don't think I've returned a movie on time in a while, and the only times I get charged is if the movie is 2-3 (or more) days late...even then they tend to cut the amount down for me. Although I tend to go through those 100 blocks pretty quickly, an added feature is that the blocks never run out, so if you are a light renter (1 movie every 2 weeks) one block can take you all the way through college. It's deal enough for me.
i use netflix as well. since the nearest town is 30 miles away, and gas is inching its way to $2/gallon, i really really like having the movies come to me.
plus, netflix has about everything short of pr0n.
id versus ego I have an idea for you. you might want to bring it up in the modz forum. Mod a lazyboy to have a toilet and sink. while at the same time have a fridge within arms reach. of course you'll need a pc with s-video out and a wireless keyboard and mouse and a tv with pic in pic so you can browse while the boring parts like converstaions in the movie play out. I figure it'll take some time to assemble but once it's done you could live on your lazyboy thereby saving all that time you would have to spend walking around your home instead of watching movies.