? on cutting case side panel (steel)


Limp Gawd
Mar 7, 2004
Will a jigsaw w/ a quality bimetal blade cut it and if so does it leave a jagged (rough) cut or fairly smooth? I want to attach my window to the inside of the panel and not use a gasket. I have tools but no dremmel.

The case is an Antec 3700BQE.
Tape off the area you're cutting on the side panel, go slowly and use the finest-toothed metal blade you can. The edges will still need some sanding / filing to look their best.
Guess I should have mentioned that I would tape it off probably doubled since jigsaws vibrate and sometimes tear the tape -
I plan to cut a design into the side (bio hazard) and in some areas it requires detail and as you can see a few moderate curves.

Pattern (not to scale of course)

I am a boat builder by trade and would consider myself pretty proficient with most any of the common air or power tools, but I hate to start drilling & cutting only to have it chewed up. :eek:

There are several really good articles on the net that I've found for doing just such a mod but they are practically all involving an aluminum case or a dremmel.
So you think with a premium blade and going slow will leave a pretty clean edge? I know it will need filing, I'm wondering about the face surface of the panel.