On the fence: ViewSonic VA1912wb or VX2025WM


Limp Gawd
May 7, 2006
Hi all, I'm an LCD noob! This forum (along with widescreengamingforum.com) has been a huge help so far, and I'm now down to two choices!

As the title suggests, I'm between the ViewSonic VA1912wb and the VX2025WM. In other words, 19" vs. 20".

My uses include heavy gaming, Photoshop/design work, and coding. In other words, I need a monitor to do it all. :rolleyes: I'm currently using a 19" Samsung CRT SyncMaster 997MB, and it's a beaut. I would set up the Samsung as the secondary monitor to whichever LCD I choose.

I'm willing to go with either monitor, and I want whatever makes the most sense. I'll be using this for a while to come, so it needs to be the right choice.

Questions I have:

- How is clarity and color on the Viewsonics? Comparable?

- LCD gaming delay. How's it going to be with these two?

- Is the extra 1" of screen real estate worth it? On NewEgg it's a $100 difference. I am but a poor college student, so money isn't exactly easy to come by, but I'm willing to spring for the 20" if it's worth it.

Also, any possible photos comparing the two would help immensely. I've searched around, and have found some, but I'd always appreciate more, particularly in comparison.

Thanks a ton in advance.
I can't help with the comparison between the two, but I can tell you that the VA1912wb is a very fine monitor. I really like it and I am a very picky SOB!

Gaming on it is superb, color is vibrant, it is bright. When I was shopping for an LCD I was in the same boat as you...19 or 20 inch widescreen. I could have picked up an 20 inch widescreen of some off brand, but I wanted quality so I bought the VA1912wb which cost a tad more, but you get what you pay for.
Thanks for the info. I'm a little worried that I'll regret not getting the 20" when I start doing Photoshop work. The only thing that holds me back is the extra $100. I want whichever I buy to be great for a long time to come, and if that extra resolution and screen size is worth it, then it's my choice.

On the other hand, if the size difference really isn't that great, and as Met-AL says, the 19" is awesome already, then I'll save the money.

Any more input? I'm sure there are plenty of VX2025WM users here! Speak up! :D
I just picked up my VX2025WM and it's a great monitor, but you may not like the anti-glare. Colors are vibrant. There is a little backlight bleed, but not enough to sway me. I picked mine up for $360 shipped.