On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness -- May 21! Who else is psyched?


Dec 30, 2006
This game looks awesome. It looks like a cross of Monkey Island, Penny Arcade, and a turn-based combat RPG. I only found out about it a couple of days ago, too, completely by accident.

I like the Penny Arcade comics but I can't stand their style applied to anything else.
I don't really care. If it gets great reviews, maybe I'll check it out. Otherwise, I think it's probably just going to appeal to their most devoted fans.
if PA was actually in anyway remotely funny, id might care. But knowing this game will be void of any humor or "sick and twistedness" ill prolly not even pay attention.
I don't really care. If it gets great reviews, maybe I'll check it out. Otherwise, I think it's probably just going to appeal to their most devoted fans.
I do think Penny Arcade is funny, but I never understood how they have such a massive following. What other online comics have their own expos? Crazy.
I'm in, and I think reviews are going to be "hate or love".

Given the kind of static they've thrown down over the years, it will likely be hard for some media outlets to just disappear that overnight (something the PA guys have already mentioned) so I'll have to wade through and look at what they say about game mechanics, which is all I want to know about before I buy.

I'm hoping given their affection for rpg's and adventure games that they'll deliver something from gamings' past that we haven't seen in a while.

As far as the actual humor of the strip is concerned, I'd say that overall they do their own thing, and sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. It's never 100% funny, nothing is.

I think their following exists because of an honest approach to stating things how they see them without any fluff, and doing so without the arrogance of some other big name web comic authors.

Like, oh say: Tim Buckley.
if PA was actually in anyway remotely funny, id might care. But knowing this game will be void of any humor or "sick and twistedness" ill prolly not even pay attention.

And I thought I was the only one that didn't think these guys were funny. It's cool they run expos and have their own game so I doubt my opinion matters much but I'm definitely passing on this game.
Never really find their comics funny, and their comments are always written in such a way as they just become difficult to read, but I'm sure the better educated amongst us apreciate it more than I do *shrug*
I'm not psyched, but I'll probably check it out. The hard part will be 360 or PC?
I'll wait for reviews. Also I'll wait to see if the game gets released on steam or not. If they can get episodic content to work like the Sam and Max games, good for them. Just don't be like Valve.
It won't be released on Steam as they're using their own online distribution.

One of the reasons why I'm not going to pick it up right away. It would be better to have a more unified digital distribution option rather than each game having its own. Signing up and registering for 20 games with 20 different distribution schemes is cumbersome.
I'm not psyched, but I'll probably check it out. The hard part will be 360 or PC?

I'm going for 360, assuming that it won't be a graphical powerhouse, so it likely won't suffer for it.

I'm just waiting to see what they say about controls and how it plays when it comes out. It sounds like a game I'd like to put my feet up and play at my leisure, as opposed to hunched over my desk.
Penny Arcade is a blight on the gaming world. It ranks up there with lamest, hackneyed daily comic strips. Good job guys!

Even if it was a good game I wouldn't buy it simply because it encourages them to produce their inept comic strip.
Penny Arcade is a blight on the gaming world. It ranks up there with lamest, hackneyed daily comic strips. Good job guys!

Even if it was a good game I wouldn't buy it simply because it encourages them to produce their inept comic strip.

no comic strip ever made has succeeded in being funny to everyone every day. While I can understand someone not thinking their strips are funny, a "blight on the gaming world?" Really? If you don't read the strip, I don't see how it can affect you. Been drinking Haterade, perhaps?
I'm totally enjoying this game. I took a chance on it, and I'm pleasantly surprised.

I'm really enjoying the humor, the absurd setting they've conjured up, the play mechanics. It's actually sorta difficult, the enemies in the second area can totally kick your ass if you don't watch it.

If you're torn between PC and 360 on this one, I'd say go PC. This is totally a point and click game. The controller scheme is simple, but using it to look around sucks. I won't say it's a total ball drop, but it wouldn't have killed them to map the unused right analog stick as some sort of look/cursor control.

Additionally, if their writing style on the blog, the strips ribald humor, abrasive language, big words, or basically any part of the comic strip's style -period-, turns you off, then you will unequivocally hate this game. It's drenched in everything P.A.is

I totally dig it.
IAdditionally, if their writing style on the blog, the strips ribald humor, abrasive language, big words, or basically any part of the comic strip's style -period-, turns you off, then you will unequivocally hate this game. It's drenched in everything P.A.is

I totally dig it.

PA was good years ago, ever since they made it a business, it's sucked the big one. I can not think of PA comic that they've made in the last 5 years that can't stand up to thier original ones. (late 90s ones, early 2000s)
no comic strip ever made has succeeded in being funny to everyone every day. While I can understand someone not thinking their strips are funny, a "blight on the gaming world?" Really?
Yes, really. Of course no comic strip succeeds in being funny every day but a few select, truly bad comics manage to never be funny. These comics epitomize mediocrity and Penny Arcade ranks right up there with all of the cat box lining favorites.:D

Yes, it is a blight on the gaming world. The sad thing is the level of popularity it enjoys as it reflects very poorly on gamers in general.
Yes, really. Of course no comic strip succeeds in being funny every day but a few select, truly bad comics manage to never be funny. These comics epitomize mediocrity and Penny Arcade ranks right up there with all of the cat box lining favorites.:D

Yes, it is a blight on the gaming world. The sad thing is the level of popularity it enjoys as it reflects very poorly on gamers in general.

But how is it a blight?
Yes, it is a blight on the gaming world. The sad thing is the level of popularity it enjoys as it reflects very poorly on gamers in general.

Yes, yes. That whole Childs Play thing really makes gamers overall look like a bunch of assholes. I mean, raising millions of dollars to help sick children for no reason other than just to do it?

They should totally curl up and die.

Sarcasm aside, I feel ya. Everyones entitled to an opinion (and please tell me you don't find Ctrl-Alt-Del funny either) but... blight? If you'd said "Jack Thompson is a blight on gamers..." that would be more accurate. PA does not reflect the meaning of the word 'blight'

They do not destroy gaming, they haven't withered any of my game discs, and besides you thinking they aren't funny, they certainly shouldn't be bringing ruination upon you personally. I think you just think they suck, and hard, apparently. Thats cool, but blight just isn't the word.
I think their following exists because of an honest approach to stating things how they see them without any fluff, and doing so without the arrogance of some other big name web comic authors.

Like, oh say: Tim Buckley.

Honestly, while Tim is a bit of a jackass - his comics can at least be enjoyable sometimes. He doesn't draw a frikkin' multi-eyed crow for strips on end with a storyline that means absolutely nothing.

I've also never really gotten that feeling from his blog posts. Sure he's a bit arrogant, but I would actually consider Gabe and Tycho even MORE arrogant. You can tell in the progression of the blog posts over the years, and the content of the comic. As the years go on they both get more convoluted, and definitely less straight forward. imo.

I'm totally enjoying this game. I took a chance on it, and I'm pleasantly surprised.

I'm really enjoying the humor, the absurd setting they've conjured up, the play mechanics. It's actually sorta difficult, the enemies in the second area can totally kick your ass if you don't watch it.

If you're torn between PC and 360 on this one, I'd say go PC. This is totally a point and click game. The controller scheme is simple, but using it to look around sucks. I won't say it's a total ball drop, but it wouldn't have killed them to map the unused right analog stick as some sort of look/cursor control.

Additionally, if their writing style on the blog, the strips ribald humor, abrasive language, big words, or basically any part of the comic strip's style -period-, turns you off, then you will unequivocally hate this game. It's drenched in everything P.A.is

I totally dig it.

Wow, so they don't even use the right analog stick at all? I'm actually a bit surprised. That strikes me as something that if any other game did they would completely bash them on.

I'm glad to hear that it is an enjoyable game though. I probably won't pick it up, just because I'm trying to save money. Maybe one of my friends will one day.

PA was good years ago, ever since they made it a business, it's sucked the big one. I can not think of PA comic that they've made in the last 5 years that can't stand up to thier original ones. (late 90s ones, early 2000s)

Agreed. The comics used to be really fun and funny. Now they take a really serious tone - even the 'funny' comics usually have a darker tone.

The only comic I can remember enjoying in the past few years of PA was the nerf wars strip. Which... i can't remember the name of or date. I still read every new strip though.
He doesn't draw a frikkin' multi-eyed crow for strips on end with a storyline that means absolutely nothing.

Wow, so they don't even use the right analog stick at all? I'm actually a bit surprised. That strikes me as something that if any other game did they would completely bash them on.

One of them is on vacation, which I think accounts for the crow thing, guaging by the blog postings.

About the right analog stick thing, as an adventure gaming enthusiast on PC (where else) I was just longing for a little point and click. The right stick isn't really needed/used because the environments are fixed perspective, like pre-rendered games were back in the PSone days.

It's not totally necessary, but it would have been nice if you didn't have to move around to look at hotspots.
This game is very fun. I'm a huge fan of turn-based strategy, but the art style and writing alone are enough to warrant a purchase. Pleasantly surprised with this one.....





The cat was hilarious.
My personal fave so far is the -SPOILER (feral trash can) also the noise they make cracks me up.

You really need to see the fruit fucker in motion, stills don't do 'the funny' justice. Hopefully youtube will have some action footage for you up some time soon
I used to love Penny Arcade about 4 years ago, when I used to read them daily. It was funny when they were talking about a game that the reader had actually played. Otherwise it didn't really hit home.

Is this game digital distribution only?
Is this game digital distribution only?

Yes, but it is just a regular installer with a cd-key. Without the cdkey, the game acts as a demo. Just download the .exe file off of their website and install it. The demo and the game are the same .exe file too, just the demo doesn't need a cd key. IMO, it is defiantly worth trying out. If you like it, buy the game and then insert the key into the game. If you don't like it, just uninstall it and move on.
He doesn't draw a frikkin' multi-eyed crow for strips on end with a storyline that means absolutely nothing.
Can you seriously defend CTRL+ALT+DEL and make this statement in the same post, let alone the same sentence? CAD isn't even about videogames any more! It's about CAD! The entire freakin' comic is one storyline, and half of the jokes don't even make sense unless you've been reading for the past 40 posts consecutively!

Just because they have a verbose style of writing, I don't see how that means they're elitist or arrogant. God forbid somebody should seek better than average control of the English language...
I love what happens when you give the Fruit Fuckers an orange :D. The gameplay is pretty good too, like a cross between an adventure game and an RPG(think real-time turn-based ones like Crono Trigger). This game is definitely on my to-buy list.
Can you seriously defend CTRL+ALT+DEL and make this statement in the same post, let alone the same sentence? CAD isn't even about videogames any more! It's about CAD! The entire freakin' comic is one storyline, and half of the jokes don't even make sense unless you've been reading for the past 40 posts consecutively!

Just because they have a verbose style of writing, I don't see how that means they're elitist or arrogant. God forbid somebody should seek better than average control of the English language...

Yes, I can and did defend CAD ;) Who said CAD had to be about video games though? The story may be one continual storyline, but have you noticed that pvponline has also been one continual storyline as of late? Hell, PA has been a storyline for a while, or keeps coming back to a storyline lately. Yet CAD is the whipping boy. The strips don't have to relate directly to a specific video game, often times it's about video gaming culture, and usually always exaggerated.

At least CAD has jokes in the strip! Look at PA! The most recent strip... is that a joke? What is remotely funny in that strip? It literally makes no sense at all, ESPECIALLY for someone that just popped into the story at that strip.

Buckley's comic may not be the best, but he does venture out from time to time and really try something 'new'. I really enjoyed his 'choose your own adventure' series that he just recently made. Not the best implemented or written storyline, but still a very entertaining story that really drew you into the strip. At least it did me.

Now, I agree with you that it's fine for PA to really have thought out and 'well' written posts. However, have you actually read the posts? I'm not a very well spoken person, and definitely not the most well read person. But it literally takes 15 minutes to get through a post that says 'we liked the game'. That's IT!

And while I don't want to take the time to back up this statement, from all the posts that I've read in detail (I stopped taking the time a few months ago), I really get the impression of them being very arrogant.

But really, the back and forth on this is going to get stupid. So have fun dissecting my post, as I'm sure you will. I don't think I'll be playing along.
www.cadsucks.com TBH
Also: www.fullyramblomatic.com ("You Cad")

Ctrl-Alt-Del isn't funny and never was.

Penny Arcade, these days, raises more of a smile than a laugh, but is still well drawn and written.

I liked the demo of RSPOD... the humour helped me forget I was playing an RPG, a genre I generally dislike.
I grabbed the demo.

It's pretty cool, and I'm not really into turn based games.

Also, that cat is great.
Yes, really. Of course no comic strip succeeds in being funny every day but a few select, truly bad comics manage to never be funny. These comics epitomize mediocrity and Penny Arcade ranks right up there with all of the cat box lining favorites.:D

Um, if you don't read the comic, how can you know it's never funny? Just curious.

And the game is awesome.
I'll take episodes 2, 3, and 4 now.

Also, small nitpick here: Once you finish the game you canNOT go back through and get anything you've missed, or even wander about. So, if any of you happen to be achievement hounds on the 360 version, or completionists in general, do your stuff before you beat the last dude.

Also, anybody who beats him without healing, my hat is off to you, sir or madam. Whomever you are, you a 'god' at using the block feature.

I could have used an extra area, or something else, as the game was a bit short.

Enjoyable through and through, but short. I also dislike that all customization is taken out of the hands of the player. Coming from those guys, you'd think, being RPG freaks and all, that they would have realized the enjoyment we fellow RPG nerds get from tweaking out characters in these types of games.

I hate reviews, but if I had to drop a numerical value on it, it's easily an 8.

edit: wowzers, the pc version looks clean.
If you don't like Penny Arcade, you wont like this game, simple as that.
Also, if you don't like Penny Arcade, no one wants to hear why you don't like it, other than the people who already don't like Penny Arcade.

I like Penny Arcade, though not 100% of the time, and I like this game.

That is all.