One Third of UK Office Workers Surf Porn at Work, Survey Finds

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
Wow, you guys over the pond in the UK are ballsy when it comes to your work PC, if the findings in this PC Advisor article are any indicator. Ok, we’ve all done the “reply to all” mistake at least once in our professional careers but a full 1/3 of those surveyed admit to watching porn on their work PC. :eek:

"A real crossover in the digital realm between personal and professional lives means staff are increasingly relaxed in their use of workplace email and internet," said David Stanley, UK managing director at Proofpoint.
i love co-workers who surf porn at work , they create income for me as thier pc's generally become infected with something that needs to be removed :cool:
Oh wow... I think my workplace is fairly relaxed but I would never feel relaxed enough to look at porns, horses either...
Many years ago one of the warehouse employees at the office I worked at got caught doing this. The only reason he got caught is because after hours he was printing out the pictures on the glossy color laser jet used for sales and one night he forgot to take his print outs off the printer!

The owner of the company was always the first one to work and he found the pictures the next morning. Of course he asked me to track down who did the printing (logs FTW).

Ten years ago we'd also gotten in a VPs laptop off lease return. Back then, almost no one wiped their hard drives prior to returning systems. One of the techs was assigned to check incoming systems for signs of sensitive information so we could encourage disk wiping. The laptop had a 2 GB HDD with 1.8GB of porn on it. It was pretty much the only thing on the system other then Windows 3.11 and office.

People that look at porn at work are idiots!
Users are idiots!
The longer I work in IT the more I believe the human species is doomed. Jesus Christ! How the F do these morons get to work being so fucking stupid!?!
what boggles me is the way people avoid learning to use computers even though thats what they have to use today for their business ...........
i dunno how many times i am asked to help somebody email pictures , or "fix their printer" , or "fix their speakers" or fix their fancy cordless mouse or keyboard ( almost always they need new batteries):rolleyes:
what boggles me is the way people avoid learning to use computers even though thats what they have to use today for their business ...........
i dunno how many times i am asked to help somebody email pictures , or "fix their printer" , or "fix their speakers" or fix their fancy cordless mouse or keyboard ( almost always they need new batteries):rolleyes:

QFT. When it comes to computers people shut down their brains and tell them selves "I cant" before they even try. How many times have IT guys heard "I know nothing about computers" Wish I had a dollar every time I heard that..
what boggles me is the way people avoid learning to use computers even though thats what they have to use today for their business ...........

What boggles me is the way IT people can turn a 15-minute project into a 1500-hour ordeal. I had a Web person admit to me that a request I had made to post some information would take about 10 minutes, but that I'd still need to have a series of meetings in which a project leader could be determined, specifications drawn up and potential impact on other systems considered. All that in order to post a single goddamned PDF, less than 2 MB, that our far-flung sales folks needed access to. So I emailed the thing to 250 people. Now IT is bitching about how much space our emails are taking up on the server...
What boggles me is the way IT people can turn a 15-minute project into a 1500-hour ordeal. I had a Web person admit to me that a request I had made to post some information would take about 10 minutes, but that I'd still need to have a series of meetings in which a project leader could be determined, specifications drawn up and potential impact on other systems considered. All that in order to post a single goddamned PDF, less than 2 MB, that our far-flung sales folks needed access to. So I emailed the thing to 250 people. Now IT is bitching about how much space our emails are taking up on the server...

Thats because IT departments are filled with idiot managers who know nothing about technology and to justify their job they come up with shit like "change management" meetings and "Infrastructure Impact" Or it could have been that your IT department just didn't like you and they were BS'ing you to get you out of their hair :p
It is idiotic staff as well as idiotic managers.
Adults are still children and will try and get away with what they can.
Show staff theres consequences for their actions and they will change.
Managers need to get tougher or block content more effectively.
People who surf porn at work are the ones who deserve to be part of these mass layoffs going on around the globe right now.

If I use google to find an answer for a tech support question faster than the company's internal database, I get yelled at. Yet fuckups like these people get away scott free.


I don't care that they are surfing porn. Just make sure to clean up after yourself afterwards, no pun intended.
Usage policy (and ‘interpretation’ thereof) varies greatly – it really depends on where you are. Large organisation (for example, a government agency) = most probably canned, small company (for example, an IT consulting practice) = possibly not. By way of example: you could probably get your cock out in the local BYOB curry house and not get too much stick for it, but try it at the Dorchester and you may get your collar felt. Of course - regardless of where you might find yourself - the law states that you’re indecently exposing yourself.

There’s plenty of stuff that’s done at work that doesn’t add any commercial value – always will be.
QFT. When it comes to computers people shut down their brains and tell them selves "I cant" before they even try. How many times have IT guys heard "I know nothing about computers" Wish I had a dollar every time I heard that..

Good thing though because there wouldn't be as many IT positions if it was not like that and the pay would be less in many cases.
QFT. When it comes to computers people shut down their brains and tell them selves "I cant" before they even try. How many times have IT guys heard "I know nothing about computers" Wish I had a dollar every time I heard that..

I'm happy about it, I have a job because of it :)
I am glad they do make pc's for dumbass' though... It's called a mac. This is one reason why I think that the only people allowed to use a pc's are the one that know how to use google not as a search engine, but as a tool.
Cant say in all my years in a UK office I saw or noticed anyone 'shuffling their deck' at work. All open plan offices where I worked. I can only guess when you have cubicles (not common in the UK) it could be even worse. The few cases of porn that were discovered were either execs (their own private office) or guys in the postal dept (working late/early shifts).

Folks were told that content was monitored but they still did it.

To be honest I cant think of a worse place to try and get 'horny'.

I must admit I did have a dream a few months ago where I dreamt I was at work at my desk and all of a sudden all this porn started to appear on my screen. Every click just made more pop up. It wasnt fun.
had an employee who worked here surf porn one day. Next thing you know, falsevirusxp :(

Seriously, there is no need to surf porn at work. Not only are you screwing yourself for a potential let go, but you are at risk of hampering entire networks.
A) It was a Survey
B) Their responses are depended on what they would consider "porn".
C) They are English.

Porn to these puritan people might consist of a flash of pasty white wrist!

A) It was a Survey
B) Their responses are depended on what they would consider "porn".
C) They are English.

Porn to these puritan people might consist of a flash of pasty white wrist!

Lol @ you. Puritan my... you know what. You can say everything about UK but not puritan..