online classes for MCSE?


Limp Gawd
Mar 7, 2006
i was wondering if anyone knew of a school online (like University of Pheonix Online) where i could take classes for MCSE / MCSA / MCP online. There was a training center for it where i used to live, but none here in southern Indiana (Evansville). Thanks for your help!
yeah, i just thought of doing self-study late last night when i ran across the books published by microsoft
I did my entire Win2k MCSE via Microsoft Press books. Grab a few books, and a few spare PCs, and you'll be set. It really helps to have real-world experience.
I just bought the book, read, re-read, practiced, and then asked my boss to do most of the stuff at work.
alright, sounds good. ill throw together some old PCs i got lying around and pick up those books
I'm starting my MCSA/MCSE through self study. I thought about classes, but they are very expensive. And I think you get more experience learning yourself in a home lab enviornement. Of course, some people learn better in a classroom setting, but I think self-study is a good way to start.

One suggestion I have to to pick up a copy of VMWare Workstation if you don't have/want a lot of machines in the house.
actually, had i not moved from where i used to live, i could have taken the classes for free (it was school-sponsored). I figure now I might as well self-teach myself, seeing as I wont have that opportunity again. :(
Another option would be to take MCSE classes at a community college, if you have one in your area. But nothing really beats having experience.