Online Gamers Are Physically Fit

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The good news is that a recent study of over 7,000 EverQuest players found that most gamers are in better physical condition than the average American. The bad news is that they are more likely to be substance abusers and depressed. Thanks to Ed Cabarles for the link.

The results suggest that adult gamers have an average body mass index of 25.2, compared to the overall American average of 28. The average gamer also engages in vigorous exercise once or twice a week, which the researchers say is more than most Americans. The
Wow. The average BMI is 28? I have to pay 25% extra on my health insurance because mine is "high" at 24. WTF?
I wouldn't call being in better physical condition than the average American "fit". :p
Wow. The average BMI is 28? I have to pay 25% extra on my health insurance because mine is "high" at 24. WTF?

I don't understand that, under 25 is considered the normal range, not high. In my practice, i find those hovering around 19 to be the least 'fit'
It's evercrack players. No shit they aren't as fat, they never leave their pc's to eat.
I am not really sure just how good the BMI is a meter there anyways.

(read it lies dammit)
I wouldn't agree to this study... anyone who has been to any lan parties will know that a large portion of the people are unfit... I know I am.
It's evercrack players. No shit they aren't as fat, they never leave their pc's to eat.

Works both ways. If they were found to be fat, we'd just say "No shit they're fat, they never get off their asses." Gamers lose no matter what. :)
Exercise....the gateway drug. BMI is completely outdated. I am 6'6" and in order to fit the BMI "Normal" with a Large frame I would have to weigh in at 215lbs. I was 215lbs in HS and I was fricking skinny!

Granted now that I am 285, I could stand to lose a bit, lol.
Exercise....the gateway drug. BMI is completely outdated. I am 6'6" and in order to fit the BMI "Normal" with a Large frame I would have to weigh in at 215lbs. I was 215lbs in HS and I was fricking skinny!

Granted now that I am 285, I could stand to lose a bit, lol.

indeed the BMI, is not an accurate way to determine fitness
i have some friends that are consider "fat" according to their BMIs but they are actually very muscular ;)

a better way is the "body fat percentage" !!!!
Yeah, BMI is totally retarded actually. EVERY bodybuilder on the planet is obese according to the BMI. When I was in competition form I was 230lbs at 5'8" and just under 3% body BMI was 35
Yeah, BMI is totally retarded actually. EVERY bodybuilder on the planet is obese according to the BMI. When I was in competition form I was 230lbs at 5'8" and just under 3% body BMI was 35

you were in a competition?? :eek:

pics or it never happened :D !!!
The strangest part of this to me is that there are 7,000 people who play everquest.
Yeah, BMI is totally retarded actually. EVERY bodybuilder on the planet is obese according to the BMI. When I was in competition form I was 230lbs at 5'8" and just under 3% body BMI was 35

So we've got an arnold in here...heh.

BMI is so skewed, they need to fix that or even get rid of it.
you were in a competition?? :eek:

pics or it never happened :D !!!

No speedo pics...ever. k thnx!

There are tons of pics of me floating around flexing...hell, all I ever did was "flex" in my pictures (beside grimacing)...pretty much everyone knows what I look like without seeing the speedo pics. Bra pics were bad enough. :(
Exercise....the gateway drug. BMI is completely outdated. I am 6'6" and in order to fit the BMI "Normal" with a Large frame I would have to weigh in at 215lbs. I was 215lbs in HS and I was fricking skinny!

Granted now that I am 285, I could stand to lose a bit, lol.

I couldn't agree more.

I'm also 6'6", I was told that I should be 215... 215 would make me look annorexic... I'm also 285 now, and yes I could lose a bit too.
Anybody else shocked that 7000 people still play EQ 2?

Bah dum dum pshh? Anybody?

Eh, I agree BMI is pretty lame, but I do think it's somewhat refreshing to see that 7000 people who play an MMO are generally not obese, which is more or less good right?
BMI has been shown to not an effective measure of obesity in certain cases, athletes being one, and particularly tall people another. Over all though, it does correlate well with arterial disease andis used inconjunction with otherfactorsto predict risk.
BMI has been shown to not an effective measure of obesity in certain cases, athletes being one, and particularly tall people another. Over all though, it does correlate well with arterial disease andis used inconjunction with otherfactorsto predict risk.

He's right. 25 is fit? Man Americans are a bunch of fat-asses.

(American and 22.5 BMI)
bmi is a general ruleing for general people. Body builders are not included and neather are people who are just big boned.

5' 7" 120lbs 18.8bmi normal weight I would say it was quite accurate.
The good news is that a recent study of over 7,000 EverQuest players found that most gamers are in better physical condition than the average American. The bad news is that they are more likely to be substance abusers and depressed. Thanks to Ed Cabarles for the link.

It was EQ2 not EQ. Like EQ has that many players...:p

This study is bunk. not a single person was actually tested it was merely a questionnaire. Obviously if you ask a 350 lb basement dweller if he considers himself physically fit. Relying on information from anonymous MMO players always makes for a good article.
Everyone's glossing over the substance order to play these long hours, Everquest players have become frequent buyers of 8-balls of cocaine, which, in turn, curbs their appetite. Those who have to spend their real money to buy platinum end up switching to meth, which also curbs their appetite, while allowing them to play for 24 hours straight.
I'm surprised that this study considers beating off to be vigorous exercise. Other wise I think those statistics of everquest gamers who exercise would go way down....
I'm overweight according to my BMI of 25, but I have a lot of muscle and a athletic bulky body type so it really doesn't apply to me I figure.
That's because we sweat a lot during an intensive game.
No kidding. I don't know why, but I always come out of a game fairly drenched. I'm the Richard Pryor of PC gamers, I suppose.

Last I checked, my BMI was just a hair above underweight. I'm quite fit, though. I never think more clearly than when I'm exercising.
eq2 is awesome and a game that is overlooked because it started out poorly and was then overshadowed by wow.

that aside i fully agree that the bmi is crap, i'm 6'2, when i was in shape and healthy i was 195 pounds and looked great. thats the heavy side of normal, if i was to be in their healthy or fit or whatever its called category i would look anorexic and frail.
I know that after a weekend of gaming I get a stronge urge to hit the gym and run, but thats actually in my ruitine :D

Mass gaming and drinking on the weekend, spend the rest of the week to get back in shape, then screw it all up again on the weekend!
Exercise....the gateway drug. BMI is completely outdated. I am 6'6" and in order to fit the BMI "Normal" with a Large frame I would have to weigh in at 215lbs. I was 215lbs in HS and I was fricking skinny!

Granted now that I am 285, I could stand to lose a bit, lol.

I agree with this. According to BMI, I'm close to morbidly obese. I'm 6'4, and about 245#. I also have a 35" waist. I had to actually send pictures to an insurance company to get my health policy at the normal rate. Fuck them. I'm sure the woman that called to berate me weighs over 300 and has an ass 3 axe handl;es across.
I agree with this. According to BMI, I'm close to morbidly obese. I'm 6'4, and about 245#. I also have a 35" waist. I had to actually send pictures to an insurance company to get my health policy at the normal rate. Fuck them. I'm sure the woman that called to berate me weighs over 300 and has an ass 3 axe handl;es across.

Wow. Just wow. I'm not an expert, but even I can tell that you couldn't possibly be close to obese, especially not with a 35 waist.
8 Balls? Damn, I think I need to give EQ2 another look. Now meth on the other hand, no thanks, I like mah teef.

But seriously, guess what weightlifters, your body weight is above average wow shocking. Muscle weighs more than fat this isn't suprising so stop fucking complaining about it already.

BTW: I am 34, 6' 4" and just barely managing to stay under 200 (196) which puts me at 23.9, and I have a bit of a gut.