Online programming or IT programs?


Oct 14, 2004
I have a friend who has a degree, but it is looking to get some IT background. I've tried to get him to narrow his focus, but he's not sure if he'll more like programming, databases, etc. Does anyone know of any good private institutions that offer short (<1 year) programs that would give someone a good backgorund in programming, networking, databases, etc.? It'll have to be an online course as he lives in an out of the way place. Thanks.
he could alway go the self-study route and pick up some certs. or take online classes to get specific certifications.

industry-recognized certs arent all that great, but short of a degree of some sort, i dont think you'll find any other type of useful accreditation.
Why private institutions? Your local community college might be a good resource - both normal classes and non-credit/continuing education program. I hear the military also has excellent OJT programs.

I'm not really sure how much you can really pick up in just a year with little to no background and no focus. "IT" covers a lot of things:
* help-desk
* hardware support
* systems administration (windows and/or unix)
* networking (lan & wan)
* telecommunications (often lumped in with IT these days and, with VOIP, becoming integrated with networking)

...and this is without even getting into programming and the bazillions of types of systems you might find yourself working on (embedded assembly programming for fuzzy-logic toasters, Windows .NET desktop applications, Unix web apps in Perl, crusty old mainframe business systems in COBOL...) and the variety of things you can do with databases (programmers often need to understand them, but not necessarily how to administer them, and "DBA" is generally a separate position and skillset from 'systems administrator' where the DB gets 'serious' use).

So, your friend... What's his background? How much does he know about computing, in general, and what's the degree in? Are we talking about about a fresh grad that realizes they shouldn't have majored in underwater basket weaving or somebody with years of experience that wants to switch career paths?