Online retailers that mount the CPU & sink


[H]F Junkie
Feb 26, 2005
What it says on the tin.

I have a guy that wants to build a computer but is afraid to deal with the CPU or heatsink. I recall that some online sellers will premount the CPU & heatsink at you ask, and I recall once dealing with one that did it even after I asked them not to. So I know some places do it, or at least places once existed that did.

Brownie points to anyone that knows one that (a) does so, possibly for a small fee, (b) is still in business, and (c) has reasonable pricing on at least on the motherboard, CPU, and CPU heat sink.
I know will assemble and test for $9.99 if you buy a mobo/cpu combo. I've used them on and off for like 7-8 years now.

**edit** I just checked, I made my first order with them back in 2000 and my most recent one about 6 months ago. I've never had a single problem with them.
It looks like they'll still do it - and sometimes for free. Thanks, exactly what I was looking for. I'll pass it on.