Only one more to fall


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - June 2007
May 4, 2003
When I started this little adventure that I call folding@home there were certain milestones that I set for myself. As most of you have also done. Some people want to see their PPD rise, some want to see who many PPD they can get out of a single box (Tigerbitten still amazes me that he can get so much from so little) but my goals were simple yet in my eyes a very hard road to obtain. Mine were simple.

1) Pass Midnight Freak - He was the #1 folder n the team when I started (and had recently quit so his "crown" was a static goal I could aim for. His #1 status fell long before I got there but I finally passed him a few months back

2) Make it to the top 100 folders in the world - Once I had gotten into this a bit I always hated going to the stats section of Stanford and then have to type my name into the little box to pull up my stats. There are SO many people folding (now and in the past) (831+ thousand as of right now) that making it to the front page for me meant that I was doing everything I could do to find a cure. I passed this milestone earlier today

3) Find a cure - This hasn't been accomplished yet but with the folks at Stanford recently finding a test to detect Alzheimers I feel that we, the folders of the world, are making a difference with EVERY WU that we turn in. Whether you turn in 1 WU a week or 10,000 YOU are making a difference for EVERY person on the planet. I feel this so strongly that I suffer through the $500 light bills, constant struggle to find and borg more, keep discussing with anyone who will listen how THEY can make a difference in the world with F@H, etc. This is my final goal that means anything to me and I will continue to strive for it with everything I can muster.

Last but not least I want to thank YOU the members of Team 33 the "[H]orde" for giving guidance, friendship, knowledge, camaraderie, and most importantly your time, devotion and spare CPU cycles to this, what I feel is most important, a search for a cure for these debilitiating and often fatal diseases that ravage our world.

Once again thanks and Fold On, Fold [H]ard, Borg Often, and once again thanks for always being here when a member is fighting the beast or has a loved one that is struggling to overcome the greatest odds and needs a bit of encouragement or simply a shoulder that listens. I am in all of your debts for not only doing but constantly giving me a reason to fold for the Cure!


Congratulations for reaching the milestones you set yourself... Now, aim higher :) I'm in your tail climbing slowly but surely. I will reach my own goal of top 20 of the [H]orde this week so my next one would be to pass MidnightFreak myself while reaching the top 250 of the world.

The Ultimate goal I set myself is to see F@H make a difference in the world to bring a better future against those diseases ;)


Congrats on the top 100 overall, that's a lot of folding. That's my goal as well, so I hope to see you up there soon, I'm at 353 right now (not bad for a home farm). When you consider that's out of 830k+ people, top 100 is awesome.
Congrats on an incredible effort and F@H adventure. Your effort inspires all of us to endeavor for ever higher accomplishment. I also hope that your final, greatest goal will be achieved.
My goals were simple. I wanted to stay in the top 250 on this team. I gained the 250 position, but there was a constant battle to stay near 250 due to the new guys running past me so fast.

Then a got a dual core desktop, and a dual core laptop running the SMP.

My points kinda went through the roof. Then I recently added two quads and another dual.

I recently got into the million points club... I feel like I am a mile high! ;)

Now I want to get into the top 100. :D