oo check out this noob

This guy is an ass kicker! That kind of production makes you SHARK :eek: He's 7th of the team for points for the week so far!
I'm glad he's folding for the [H]. Looks like I'm going to get mowed over again, but at least I have some time to hold him off......

Go jkellum!!

Nice production!

I've got a bit of time..... but if this guy is still ramping I'm going to have to get my cup out before I get mowed over. (you have to protect the tenders)

Fold on, Fold [H]ard!

Thats one of the most impressive starts that I've seen in a while. Whoever he/she is needs to step out of the shadows and take a bow. 37K yesterday and might have not peaked yet.

Thats one of the most impressive starts that I've seen in a while. Whoever he/she is needs to step out of the shadows and take a bow. 37K yesterday and might have not peaked yet.


Yeah :eek:, you can "take that to the bank", that is one impressive start. Thanks a whole lot for foldin' for the [H]orde jkellum.

Please post on up and introduce yourself, nonshalontly (or however you spell it) mention all the good gear you have and make some of your/our "heavy hitters" drool.:(

With all that said I don't see anyway to be "over taken"by the 2nd place team :) I'd mention the teams name, but I don't want to be flamed or have some kinda' "inflammatory" lawsuit made against me. (I'm kinda' short on tha' cryin' towels) :rolleyes:


damn and i thought my 14k ppd was good. congrats and keep on folding!
Dang... looked in my rearview this morning and almost spilled my coffee the headlights were so bright!

beavis9k gets to me first but the blood stains won't even be dry before jkellum drives through...:eek:

Very nice ramp... can you say GTX280? C'mon say it with me Jerry..

WTF and glad your're on our side.

Looks like he'll be the first to mow me over (and in a big way). Come on, Linux GPU client!!

beavis9k gets to me first but the blood stains won't even be dry before jkellum drives through...:eek:

I'll try to get there sooner so you can at least put a couple band-aids on. :p

I'll try to get there sooner so you can at least put a couple band-aids on. :p

Thanks for the effort... I'm stocking up on band-aids and splints already..:D

Hopefully Larry will post up some deals on them.
