Oops, unformat...


Nov 18, 2008
I installed my O/S onto my SSD and then proceeded to clear out the old HHD yesterday. Well, I forgot to copy over a folder before I formatted. Yeah... that was were all my work files were. Today I went to access them. My blood drained out of my face as I frantically clicked between all the files I copied over trying to file my work folder.

I went over my steps and knew I hadn't written anything on the old drive, so that was encouraging. I check defrag and it hadn't touched it (not sure if that helps, but it was encouraging).

After a few searches and initial software downloads, GetDataBack was the quickest thing I found. It worked, almost flawlessly. .DWG, .pdf, .doc, .accdb and more all were recovered. I get a random error here and there, but overall I got it all back.

I keep backups, but not as often as I should.

That was totally worth $79. Is there a better alternative to recover files? What would have you done?
Zero Assumption Recovery is great.

Recuva does a great job with picture files, but I haven't tried it with much else.
That was totally worth $79. Is there a better alternative to
recover files?

I'm afraid no, GDB is the best of its kind, worth every penny. I got my version when a friend asked me to recover data from a laptop hard disk, he told me, buy whatever software you need to use and keep it for yourself when done :D
I have used GetDataBack too many times to actually be truthful...but not all of them were screw-ups of my own...:p

I have used other recovery software, but in the end, the ease of use in GDB as well as its total ability to recover active and deleted files is what makes it my "go to" recovery software. Like I said to a fellow poster over on Metal Sludge, "if you can keep the drive working long enough for GDB to work, then it will recover your files"...and I believe this 100%.

The best i have done with GDB so far was recovering all 242gb of music off of my original 250gb Seagate that had started to overheat and shut down. I had to use one of those "freezer blocks" from a lunch bag to keep the drive cool long enough for GDB to pull all 242 gb of mp3 files(sadly, I have lost the pic of this transpiring)...it took awhile, and a couple changes in the freezer blocks, but it got all the data. Seagate replaced the drive 3 weeks later...
the ease of use in GDB as well as its total ability to recover active and deleted files is what makes it my "go to" recovery software.
ZAR does this as well. I've used it for simple "deletes", formatted drives, "raw" unrecognized drives, and fubar'd MBR's and partition tables. I've even gotten partial file recovery from some bad blocks...but the photos were incomplete. Better half a pic than nothing. Well worth the $30.

Plus with the free version, you can scan and recover 4 folders. Getdataback only allows you to scan and look.

To each his own.
a screenshot I took for what I was doing when the accountant at my work gave me his flash drive and someone else thought it’s his and formatted it, GDB had the best results and sorted them the best way.
a screenshot I took for what I was doing when the accountant at my work gave me his flash drive and someone else thought it’s his and formatted it, GDB had the best results and sorted them the best way.
I've used Recover my files....didn't like it.