OPEN BOX: Asus EAH4890/HTDI/1GD5 Radeon HD 4890 1GB $152 + shipping at newegg

Great deal and still in stock. I got the same one 2 weeks ago for $169 + shipping
That rebate doesn't work on open boxes and I'd sell those cards quick as that open box will sell in a few minutes.
Quite very tempting..... good thing I'm broke. Need to stop spending.
I been seeing people swapping 4870 plate to 4890....

at least thats what I got from open Box...

seriously retarded..

so anyone who wants to give a shot on it, go ahead, just be cautious that it could be a fake 4890 with 4870 board...
I been seeing people swapping 4870 plate to 4890....

at least thats what I got from open Box...

seriously retarded..

so anyone who wants to give a shot on it, go ahead, just be cautious that it could be a fake 4890 with 4870 board...

Is there any recourse if that happens?
Is there any recourse if that happens?

yeah, I return with full refund, but I still have to pay the shipping for them to send to me, which is like 10 bucks...

oh well, after that experience, I said stay away from openbox 4890....
asus warranty goes by the date code of serial #, the first 2 letters or digits. I called them up some time ago about buying an openbox item. The first digit is the year, say 8 (2008), the second, 1-9(jan-sept) or a,b,c,(oct,nov,dec).