Open ports on Linksys RV042


Limp Gawd
Feb 9, 2004
I just got a new RV042 as a replacement for my old defective router from Linksys and upon installing it and running Shieldsup, it shows port 113 as closed and 443 as open. This was just with setting it up normally. I have never had a router show any non stealthed ports before. I have forwarded both ports to a bogus IP and now they show stealthed, but is there a better solution? Any reason why it would set up this way?
Maybe I'm just confused here but you do realize that 443 is for SSL? I'm just curious but why do you want to close 443?
Ident port (113) is standard for many router brands...most newer routers allow that.

443...I don't believe that should be avail by default, so check the port forwarding section, and check to see if remote management is enabled, and what port that's running on. It's harmless to have that open/ unless you have it forwarded to some IP address that has a service's really just a dead end.
Ident port (113) is standard for many router brands...most newer routers allow that.

443...I don't believe that should be avail by default, so check the port forwarding section, and check to see if remote management is enabled, and what port that's running on. It's harmless to have that open/ unless you have it forwarded to some IP address that has a service's really just a dead end.

Sometimes the routers open 443 so you can externally configure the routers. I don't like to leave external configuration on.
I just wanted to add something so I can clarify if this is true or not.

Ports can not be manually opened or closed. Only applications can open whatever port it needs. As for closing a port, I think there is a certain time for a port to be open (listening) after the session is done . Once the time has expired the port is closed. I either read this somewhere or someone told me this. I just need to know if this is true or not.

This is why if you open the CMD and run the netstat -a command you will see ports open, closed, or listening. Like in your case op, you probably had just used port 443 either with configuring your router or a web browser and so Shieldsup is reporting it still open.
Well, I am just wondering since my last 2 routers showed those ports stealthed by default. I will admit, my knowledge of network/router setup is limited, as I have done very little of it. Supposedly newer linksys firmware is supposed to set 113 to stealthed to fix the ident port being closed/non stealthed, but I have no idea about 443. I know it is for ssl, but I am wondering why it is open instead of stealthed by default.
//brain farts...

Oh yeah, forgot...port 443 is default open on the WAN side for their QuickVPN client.