OpenGL 2.0 releaseed

That's good news but now the question is; will ATI support 2.0 spec? but i might know the answer by judging their current track with Linux drivers.
Diffie said:
That's good news but now the question is; will ATI support 2.0 spec? but i might know the answer by judging their current track with Linux drivers.
Sad but true :(. Of course I am going to look at the bright side and hope that this might get them off dead center (can't I at least hope :D).
Qwestman said:
SWEET! Some good news for us all! :D
Wrong, good news for nVidia users, not for ATI users. All this means is that there will be more apps that ATI users can't run in Linux because ATI is not addressing the issues that their customers are practically screaming over.
I am sorry but what does OpenGL do for me? I am new adn was wondering how this effects me? I know that I use OpenGL drivers to play Counter Strike on my Windows gaming machine :(

I don't think that is the same thing ;)
The OpenGL you're talking about is the same thing.

OpenGL = Open Graphics Library, a graphics of library originally made by SGI (Silicon Graphics Incorporated) and used in programming graphics, sometimes for games.