Opera 8 Final Available


Jun 13, 2003

I'm using Opera 8 build 7561 right now.

This build will be *officially* released as the final tomorrow unless there are some major problems with it, so test it and report any major bugs A.S.A.P

(ftp server is a little overloaded so in that thread, they list many alternatives.)

Once officially released everyone is encouraged to upgrade. You can upgrade over your old 7.54u2 install, but do a fresh install anyway.;)

Your 7.xx licenses can be used to upgrade to 8 btw.

Let's make this thread the Opera 8 resource.
yeah! i just downloaded version 8 final a few minutes ago.
i have to say that i do like it.
a dislike that i do have of it, is that it lacks a whilelist feature for pop-ups.
certain sites that i visit require that pop-ups be allowed and i don't like to keep turning on/off the pop-up blocker.
Yeh, a lot of people's wishes were not granted, but with user javascript, user stylesheets, menu editing and even invoking c++ programs or python scripts, you can do a lot of things including adblock (like Firefox's adblock extension), per-site styles, disabling targets and I think you can even disable popups on a per site basis with user javascript.

Of course all of that might be too much of a pain, but lots of things are possible that you don't realize. my.opera.com/forums/ would be the place to go.
For Opera users wanting adblock capabilities like (or close to) Firefox's adblock extension, this is for you.

It's about 2/3 as good as Firefox's adblock. (Mostly because Opera doesn't support some css attribute selector stuff yet)

The setup is not as quick as Firefox's adblock either, but once setup, it's pretty decent.
i actually hate it.

i can no longer hide my menu bar on the fly.
my favorite skin tobs 4.4 has a white line around the adress bar.
my drop down menu tabs have gotten wider.
it loads up just about a second slower
animated gifs dont work fast at all. (they worked in 7.23)
i was really hoping for anti aliased text options
i went back to 7.5 (animated gifs or hidden page bars and bookmark seperators?) i chose the latter two

it has nothing more i wanted, and removes things i loved.
for the adblock thing, i just use the hosts file.

now i have to redo all my cookie settings cause i forgot to back them up :(

now i have to remove the white bar :(
Not sure why they did it, but the Alt+F11 menubar toggle was specified as only for unix.

If you remove the platform specific part of the command in the keyboard setup ini, it'll work again.

Edit c:\program files\*install folder*\defaults\standard_keyboard.ini (in UTF-8 format)

Line 99 will have this:

Platform Unix, F11 alt = Enable menu bar | Disable menu bar

Change it to

F11 alt = Enable menu bar | Disable menu bar

and you'll get your menu toggle back.

Do take note that they changed some of the other keyboard shortcuts like for toggling images and print preview because newbies were accidentally pressing buttons and didn't know how to change back to normal.

For example, print preview is now shift+p instead of just p.

Now for example, if you don't have write access to the program files directory, copy the c:\program files\*install folder*\defaults\standard_keyboard.ini to the keyboard directory in your Opera profile. Then edit it. Under [Info] in the file, change the name so you can tell which one it is in preferences.

Start up Opera, goto tools->preferences->advanced->shortcuts and change to the new menu.

You can also add your own button to toggle the menu.
Ocean said:
i actually hate it.

1.) i can no longer hide my menu bar on the fly.
2.) my favorite skin tobs 4.4 has a white line around the adress bar.
3.) my drop down menu tabs have gotten wider.
4.) it loads up just about a second slower
5.) animated gifs dont work fast at all. (they worked in 7.23)
6.) i was really hoping for anti aliased text options

1, see above

2, I'm sure that could be fixed with a new version. Did you try to contact the author?

3, Not sure exactly what you mean, but it's probably just a little tweaking they did.
( If you installed over an old installation, you should install to a new directory like Opera 8 final. There *may* just be a differece. There shouldn't be a difference, but I'd try.)

4, They've added more support for lots of things so that's understandable

5, I do not have any problems. If a gif isn't playing at full speed submit a bug report (see first post) so they can determine if there's something wrong with the gif and or Oprea and whether they can do anything about it.

6, Did you every post the request in the wishlist forum?
1 i can edit that in. understandable

2. maybe people can see it in the pic, ive been trying to find a way to edit it out manually, ill figure it out eventually, it might be intended.

3. i circled what im referring to in the picture now. it was alot wider in 8.0 and it doesnt match the rest of the system

4. i dont care about the load speed really, understandable

5. animated gifs
very fast in IE and firefox. and has been reported in their bug forum.

6. http://my.opera.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=88212

X. i lost the color themes in opera 8, i couldnt find them, but i know they exist.

both buttons on my toolbar are wiki buttons.

i use opera as a web browser, i love it because i dont ned to use buttons, and i can zoom flash animations, and its right click menu with the go to url and search options. 8 doesnt give me anything i want, seems to be closer to bloatware.
Saw the wishlist thread. Yeh, turning on ClearType in windows makes a difference, but not sure if that's does the trick for you.

Not sure about the white space or the drop-down tab. Where can you get that skin? I searched through all the skins at Opera and searched google. Couldn't find it.

For the color schemes, press shift+F12 or tools->appearence or right-click on something and click customize and then switch to the skins tab.

I now see what you are saying about the gifs.
O.K. Downloaded it.

I'll use it for a while and check it out.

I noticed the color scheme settings have a really good effect with this skin.
The more I use Opera, the more I like it. I'm actually thinking of dumping Firefox altogether... Version 8 roxxors my boxxors.
^^ Good Idea. However, as an loyal Opera user, I suggest you still keep other browsers around.

When you highlight something on a page, you can only highlight text. Therefore, you can't copy rich text and pictures (only plain text) and when you print a selection, all you get is text.

Opera does not support WYSIWYG editors yet, so the rich text editors for gmail, this forum, blogs and other webmails will only work in plain text mode.

Opera also doesn't support client-side XSLT. (It's does style XML via CSS very well though, which in most situations, is better than XSLT.)

Opera also doesn't support MathML. (You can use CSS to get the same effect though.)

Also, Opera won't render pages that write to a new page with dom methods. (supposed security reasons) example.

Also, Opera doesn't give you the option to right-click->save as for a pic loaded via the object tag.

Also, wmode=transparent for Flash does not work all that great it Opera. Very buggy.

Also, plugin support in Opera is great, but you may have problems with old sound cards.

Also, Opera is very strict about iframe security and <input type="file" security, so some pages that work in other browsers won't work in Opera. like this page. Browse to an mp3 file and it will play in windows media player (If you use Firefox). There is a hack to get it to work, but that just shows an example of where a page won't work in Opera.

Also, the email client has very poor imap support. (There is a new imap backend, but it's not ready yet)

Also, Opera doesn't properly support XHTML 1.1 image maps. (Firefox doesn't support them right either). For Opera, you can use user.js to fix them.

Also, there are a few serious bugs that have been reported, but just never get fixed. Visiting http://www.theserverside.com/ shows one of them that messes up the rendering of the page.

Also, take note of the cookeis settings. 1 of them is labeled incorrectly (yes still) and one isn't very clear.

Why am I use Opera the? Because the interface is that good, that I don't might the disadvantages listed above.

I did not try them, but here are some 7.5 setups for Opera 8.

Seven-Five Keyboard shortcuts
Seven-Five Toolbars
Seven-Five Menus