Opera: IE 'Kill' Switch Not Enough

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Even though Microsoft has announced a “kill switch” for IE (and other programs) in Windows 7, Opera still isn’t happy. Then again, I wouldn’t be happy either if all other browsers, with the exception of Opera, have dramatically improved their market share.

"It doesn't really change much, does it?" Opera CEO Jon von Tetzchner asks rhetorically. "We want to make sure everybody follows the rules and ensure there's competition in the market."
Gotta call "sour grapes" on this one...

If they want fair rules for everybody except the creator of the OS software then install free Linux and whatever you want. Anybody is free to install the browser of choice on a Windows machine. What would they do if MS gave you a choice of browsers when installing the OS? I bet most would still pick IE or FF.
This is getting ridiculous. Look you browser fools, this is Microsoft's product and they can do with it whatever they want. The fact that you aren't "happy" that Microsoft allows the ability to 'kill' IE8 should make you do backflips, but oh no, you have to whine like a little bitch. Seriously, people like this need a fist up their ass to remind them of the feeling that they need to sit down, shut up, can get down to unloading their bullshit once and for all.
I read somewhere else recently that both Opera and Google want something like when the windows install is first activated (like on a new machine out of the box), you get prompted during setup about which browser you want installed.

Thats a load of shit and I hope MS fight them tooth and nail.
Blah blah blah. Opera needs to quit their bitching. Firefox is better then IE and Opera thus why it is gaining market share. Opera needs to shut up and put up.
I read somewhere else recently that both Opera and Google want something like when the windows install is first activated (like on a new machine out of the box), you get prompted during setup about which browser you want installed.

Thats a load of shit and I hope MS fight them tooth and nail.

That would be so ridiculous...I mean, it's Microsoft's product for crying out loud...why should they be mandated to include other company's software in their install process? Fucking morons...
I'm an Opera User(Actually using the Opera 10 Beta right now), but I have to agree with the 'Sour Grapes' comment from above.

Windows and IE are both MS products, I don't see why MS should even allow a 'Kill Switch' for the program. It's nice that they are doing it, but if any company is mad about it not being enough, then that just ridiculous. They should be happy MS is doing it period.
What I have never understood is how can you have "competition" with a product everyone is giving away for free?
What I have never understood is how can you have "competition" with a product everyone is giving away for free?

And BINGO is your nameo! This has NOTHING to do with competition. thanks to Microsoft, in spite of the anti-trust crap they faced, putting the browser in the OS FOREVER made the browser free! What they did did harm competition, but it helped consumers! Aren't tax payers around the world tired of giving companies giving us the shaft?

This is ridiculous. The worlds governments need to by paying to the financial system, they've got a shit load of work in that department.

As these companies insist on this counter productive BS, I'm now making the effort to only use IE from now on unless I have a practical need.

I'm done with corporate malfeasance dressed up as "we need competition" crap. I done.
As a huge Opera fan... I have to say STFU!! They aren't crying about all the lynix distributions default browsers... yea pretty much all of them have one. The O.S. should have at least one included browser. I don't want Microsoft putting every damn browser ever created on the install CD that's stupid and everyone knows it.

Opera's share hasn't improved because they don't listen to their users and spend all of their time trying to innovate new features regardless of how useful they are. Opera has created a lot of innovative features but their browser doesn't work with half the web. That's why I'm not using it much anymore. Who gives a shit about "Turbo" half the sites don't work in Opera...jeesh
I wonder if Opera ever plans on going after Apple for making Safari their default browser.
Doesn't crap like this give anyone a precedent to go after anyone else that makes software that might include a similar function, routine or program?
Opera still needs to work on their plugin support before even worrying realistically about taking on Firefox, much less IE.
Once I got tabbed browsing in IE7, I haven't used a 3rd party broser since. Before that I used FireFox. If Opera wants me to use them, they need to make some MUST HAVE feature and I'll switch.

Why don't they go after Rim for making the BlackBerry browser the default? There's Opera Mini. Of course it does not utilise the clickable screen of my Storm. Too bad Opera Mini, I'll stick with the BB Browser.
Once I got tabbed browsing in IE7, I haven't used a 3rd party broser since. Before that I used FireFox. If Opera wants me to use them, they need to make some MUST HAVE feature and I'll switch.

Why don't they go after Rim for making the BlackBerry browser the default? There's Opera Mini. Of course it does not utilise the clickable screen of my Storm. Too bad Opera Mini, I'll stick with the BB Browser.

Has the Storm software gotten any better with time? Or still laggy?
I think they meant:
Wannn! We don't want fair. We want an unfair advantage and we don't have that! So until we have an unfair advantage like you did, we will bitch and moan till we do. Wannn!
Oi... my two cents. On one paw, I really like Opera... but just not as a desktop browser. It's great on the Wii, It's great on phones, and the upcoming DSi version is pretty good too...

But as a desktop browser, it might be technically better than FireFox, but one of the killer application points of the FireFox design on Windows is that it mimicked the Internet Explorer Interface... so if all you had been using was Internet Explorer, you could pick up FireFox without having to learn any new button placements or configuration options... and the same was true for Thunderbird versus Outlook Express.

While Opera is a lot more usable on the desktop, now, the only desktop market that is growing is the Linux and Mac markets. Vista's still a retail flop, Microsoft's trying to smother Xp with a load of pillows, and Windows 7 is a ways off. While Opera has a Linux version of the client, and while they've been pretty good at zero-day simul-releases, they aren't going to get pre-loaded with any Debian based distribution, Red Hat, or Suse, any time soon, and they have even less of a chance with Apple deciding to let them pre-load.

With this sour grapes whining from Opera, I think they are making a mistake that many software, and hardware, vendors have made. They are relying on Microsoft to do something. Instead of having a strategy for what to do when Microsoft can't, or won't deliver, they seem to be making all their plans on what Microsoft says Microsoft will deliver. I think history supports me when I say there are few worse business plans to have... like investing in Timothy Roberts.
I don't see Opera agreeing to put links to install competing products within the installer for its products. What Opera wants is an even playing field as long as they are first spotted five runs and an extra out per inning.:rolleyes:
You know, I have Opera installed on both of my machines. Mostly to mess around with when I am bored and have nothing else to do. I think I will be uninstalling them tonight, and installing IE7/8 and Chrome.

Take that Opera!
Opera screwed itself a long time ago when you had to pay for it, at least for me and people I know. I tried Opera for a month a little while ago and didn't like the interface and how everything just seemed to be laggy (interface wise) compared to my month long trials with 3.0 or Chrome. While it was miles better than that disgusting Safari browser it isn't saying much. I like competition, but Opera just doesn't seem to know how to promote itself well and make a product thats interesting to me.
OK, you want MS to not only turn IE off, but include your software as a replacement. Yeah, that makes sense. :rolleyes:
I am not sure about Opera's license, but wouldn't including FF on the Win install DVD be at odds with the GPL? Wouldn't including FF in the install essentially open Windows to possible lawsuits claiming that it should now be open source?


c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.

I can see perhaps putting shortcuts to Opera, Chrome, FF, and other alternative browsers on the desktop at install. Or maybe have a tab come up on IE's first run that led to alternative browsers. But removing IE and/or bundling other peoples browsers seems a bit over the top imho.
Agree with the 'sour grapes'. Yes they're pushing their luck and are coming off a little childish.

But - how many people have never even heard of Opera? I think this move gets their name into the news and might result in some people checking out the product.
OK, you want MS to not only turn IE off, but include your software as a replacement. Yeah, that makes sense. :rolleyes:
I am not sure about Opera's license, but wouldn't including FF on the Win install DVD be at odds with the GPL? Wouldn't including FF in the install essentially open Windows to possible lawsuits claiming that it should now be open source?

No as long as they dont re brand it and hide the source code they dont have much problem. It is a lot like drivers MS doesnt own them either.

Personaly I would like a choice of what to install just so there is less crap on my computer- I dont see the need to install and uninstall a program. It is not a big deal though I have no problem with IE 8 it is a lot better than anything they have had for a long time. Not as good as firefox or standard compliant but a huge step in the right direction.
I've never even understood why this is a problem in the first place. It's Microsoft's browser and their OS, if they want to bundle them together who gives a shit? This is like telling Ford they can't install their own engines they designed in their car. It's their products and they should be able to bundle them however they want.
i always figured one of opera's primary problems is the name of the browser itself...

it just doesnt sound as catchy as firefox or as obvious as internet explorer.... and for alot of people, that is good enough to put it out of mind....
You know, I have Opera installed on both of my machines. Mostly to mess around with when I am bored and have nothing else to do. I think I will be uninstalling them tonight, and installing IE7/8 and Chrome.

Take that Opera!

Make sure you use Opera to go to MS's website to download the other browsers.

The Opera people are just whining little bitches that can't take the heat. They offer an inferior product for the desktop, there is no doubt their mobile borwsers beat the snot out of IE.
I'd like to ask Opera who it is they think people will get their browser if MS doesn't include one wit hthe windows install? Hmm, no web broswer means I can't go online to get another browser.
Does Opera want MS to include it in the windows install? If so, then Opera needs to pay a fee to be included as MS should be compensated for adding a revenue generating program into their software.
Then again, I wouldn’t be happy either if all other browsers, with the exception of Opera, have dramatically improved their market share.
:D I pointed that out last thread too.

IE8 comes out on Friday, right?
Perhaps if Opera put as much effort into making their browser not suck as they do whining about MS they wouldn't need to bother with this crap.
What they would like is for the price of windows to drop $10 bucks, and IE be sold separately for $10 so their product can compete.
:D I pointed that out last thread too.

IE8 comes out on Friday, right?

That is what the rumor mill was saying a few days ago.

The problem with the whole can't include IE with the OS is that they have to include something and they can't include everything. On top of that you have to look at versions. IE updates itself and doesn't have a new version for every patch. Firefox isn't the same, every patch makes it a new version. So you end up with 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3.... so the install on the cd is going to be old and the user will have to make sure they rush out and update it. At least with IE, when your machine gets its windows updates it will install the newest version for you without any trouble. With firefox (not sure about opera) they would have to manually do the upgrade themselves. Then you have support. If you yourself download firefox then you yourself are responsible for support and have to contact mozilla with any issues that you have. If Microsoft gives you firefox, then the average person is going to expect them to support it.

The problem I see with a lot of this is that if Opera wants to be out there more then they can start doing like others and start paying Dell, HP and the rest to put their software on the machines. Have Dell start giving an option for other browsers that you want installed. That way when you get your new computer from dell it will have IE8 uninstalled and firefox or opera installed instead. Hell, if you buy a new dell it comes with links to ebay, with a half dozen google apps installed. I'm pretty sure Opera could do the same thing.
So I'm confused here. Is Microsoft somehow blocking Opera from installing on Windows 7? No? Then STFU! :p If Microsoft did something on purpose to block the install, then yes I can see a point to the whining.

So by Opera's logic, does Microsoft have to strip out all extras out of their program? What about alternative file browsers, file viewers, ftp software, email software, etc etc? What is with all the browser hating? lol
I agree. I was actually considering buying their mobile browser since it is way better then IE mobile, but after they starting whining I said screw it and just stuck with IE till mobile FF is released.
So I'm confused here. Is Microsoft somehow blocking Opera from installing on Windows 7? No? Then STFU! :p If Microsoft did something on purpose to block the install, then yes I can see a point to the whining.

So by Opera's logic, does Microsoft have to strip out all extras out of their program? What about alternative file browsers, file viewers, ftp software, email software, etc etc? What is with all the browser hating? lol

email is already gone. There is no mail program included with windows 7. That and the link to download live messenger are not included like they were in vista. You have to manually go and download them.

Actually Google wanted them to remove search as it was hurting their take of google desktop.

So yes by Opera's, Google's and others logic Microsoft should strip out everything you listed.
I think Ms should bitch to Apple that they dont allow IE to be choosen as a browser option when installing OSX... or there is no kill switch in Safari, and Opera should bitch to Apple as well....

So why is it that Opera isnt also attacking OS X? (is there no OS X opera version?)