Operton Heatsink Fan Problems?


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2005
Hi, I bought a Opteron 175 from the egg, and recently got it today:D. I got the Cpu in correct, using the stock cpu paste and the heatsink on correct also. First thing I noticed that was different was the fan power plug had 4 wires instead of the usual red black blue. But I quess thats all thats ment to be pluged in so I pluged in the black red blu and the yellow was hagging off still. I powered it on all was fine no POST at all. Made sure that the cpu fan would turn on at 25 Degrees Celcius. Nothing. I don't think its the psu because all the other componets dont haver trouble turning on. So if anyone could help me out it would be much appreciated

Edit: I have a DFI nf4 Lanparty UT Motherboard Also the PSU 480 Watts

Thanks Moderman
I think I came up with a soulution to use my old fan from my old heatsink which are pretty much the same. I just cant get the Fan off the Opteron Heatsink:mad: