Opinions and comments on a 2500+


Aug 18, 2001
Ok, here's the scoop. I finally got my system to a level that I can overclock like mad. Now, I realize that the question Im about to broach is self explanatory, but I would like a good idea of my theoretical ceiling. Right now I have my system at 200x11, vcore 1.7. My temps avg 30-32 idle and 38-40 max. Im running a DD maze 3 cooling setup. What would be a good FSB/vcore setting to shoot for? Im hoping to get it to 220. Since I have pc3500 geil memory Im not concerned about o/c'ing the memory, since its stock speed is at 216.

Just looking for opinions, comments, or what others have gotten their 2500+ to. Oh, its a locked 2500+, I tried to get a pre 38, but Fry's was out of them :(, so no multiplier changes *I dont feel like taking the proc out and wiring the socket for a dif multiplier*.
I've been runing a 2500+ for a year, and I can't get past 2.2gig. Mind you this is with air cooling, and I haven't upgraded the ram, but the board freaks when I up the FSB past about 203. I've you've got a good MB, I've read on here about people geting it up to 3 gig.

Good luck.

Bartoon 2500+? Im been using this for 6months arleady. My mobo is AN35 and loving it. Im runnign fsb at 233(didnt wanna push too much), so far so good. Obtw, im on air cool, no water. My avg cpu/mb read like 35c/25c :p
Here is my 2 cents. Look at my cig and see what my mobile did on the AN35N ultra 400. One warning though. I set the FSB to 202 once and my system would not post until I payed $20 for a new BIOS chip from Shuttle. :(
Thanks for the comments, and MD_Willington, thanks for the link, I'll read more there as well. As far as my board, yeah I love this little shuttle board. The only gripe I have is the lack of multiple vram selections, but for less than 70 bucks Im not gonna complain too much. So far I've had no issues with my overclocking, save for my old Crucial pc2700 not wanting to go over a 182 fsb, and that was on 7, 3, 3, 2.5 settings. But, as I said, with this new memory I hit a 200 fsb with no prob's and plan to push it more. I'll share later on what I finally get to, but that will prob be next week, right now in Kyle's backyard *Houston actually, but driving back up to DFW tomorrow to pick up my stepson, then its back to Oklahoma*.
I got my AN35 a year ago from newegg for $51 free shipping. Now the price is higher as people have caught on...