Opteron 148 46.46

wow, yesterday a 146 for $53, today a 148 for 46, or 7 more for overnight. Sigh, I am starting to really regret getting my 144 yesterday from newegg for $85 shipped.
I really have no use for this, but it's almost too hard to pass up. Are there any good motherboard deals to go with this?
aZn_plyR said:
wow, yesterday a 146 for $53, today a 148 for 46, or 7 more for overnight. Sigh, I am starting to really regret getting my 144 yesterday from newegg for $85 shipped.

You can always cancel / return it ... ;)
Copy from shoping cart BEFORE I even put in an address:

Subtotal: $36.97
Shipping & Handling: $9.49
Tax: $0.00
Order Total: $46.46

"opinion incominng"
$10 bucks to ship a CPU box? Seems a little on the high side to me and there being such a limited choice of affordable motherboards for this processor kills the deal for me.
wow...went ahead and ordered one of these also..go in on the Opteron 146 last night for 53 bucks..and got in on this one..so Either I will have 2 opterons on my Doorstep in the next couple days..or a couple Emails saying Sorry your order was canceled due to a Pricing Error.
I bought a ton of the $110 Hanns-G 19" LCD's from these guys and they are great as far as service goes. No problems whatsoever and quick shipping.
Too good to pass up, thanks OP. This will be a nice upgrade from my AMD Mobile 2500+ lol.

I have an SLK-900 HSF on my old chip, that won't fit the 939 socket will it?

Also, can anyone recommend to me a good (read cheap) mobo and HSF for this thing? Gotta support AGP and DDR memory (not DDR2).

captsarcastic69 said:
I bought a ton of the $110 Hanns-G 19" LCD's from these guys and they are great as far as service goes. No problems whatsoever and quick shipping.
before or after the rebate?
I am about to buy this just for the hell of it..... I mean it's only $46 shipped...... GRRRR what to do what to do.
Dang... wasn't in the market to buy a new processor, but it was too good to pass up. Now if I can just find a good inexpensive Socket 939/AGP mobo...
I bit... any idea if this is legit or not? Kinda hesitant to order the mobo until the CPU order is shipped :S
Don't even remotely have a need for one of these, but at this price I bit. It will give me a good excuse to build yet another spare system. Maybe I'll use it for folding. :cool:
I'm going to be watching this to see any updates on price or if anyone gets this processor in!!

Bought this processor 1/26/2006 for $256.00 and now I look on Newegg and see that they have it for 109.00 now... I don't even have the processor for 10 months and its already dropped $150.00 in price...

Thats rediculus
cvfd1615 said:
Bought this processor 1/26/2006 for $256.00 and now I look on Newegg and see that they have it for 109.00 now... I don't even have the processor for 10 months and its already dropped $150.00 in price...

Thats rediculus

$165 to be exact, if you order from page
i bought a golden stepping 146 this past week for 90 - ouch

is it just me or is the value of the chips more than the price

i mean they are still smoking fast right ... did they become obselete and i didn't notice?
malicious said:
i bought a golden stepping 146 this past week for 90 - ouch

is it just me or is the value of the chips more than the price

i mean they are still smoking fast right ... did they become obselete and i didn't notice?

no my opteron 146 and 165's were AWESOME. i will hope this 148 does 2.8 stock voltage like they did.
were or are ...

the question is ... and opty at 2.8-3.0ghz is still a fast cpu correct... i've been out of the game for a while

They will mine does 2.805 @ 1.50V Prime95 Stable

Their a great processor but I think its bullshit already went down 165 dollars in less than a year...

BULLSHIT! in my opinion!