Opteron o/c trouble


Feb 27, 2006
i recently purchased an opteron 144 from monarch's site. Ive been having trouble overclocking it its stable at 2.6 in prime95 but as soon as i load battlefield2 ill crash a few minutes intot eh game now its not software problem ive reinstalled the game resintall windows no driver conflicts. ive lowered the HT multiplier increase the voltage(up to 1.55) ram is underclocked and running at 185mhz. everything and im still crashing in battlefield2. if any1 has any suggestions plz reply.thx

heres the link to my prime screenshot:


My computer specs are:

A8n32 SLI-Deluxe
opteron 144
2 BFG 7800 GT OC
2gigs of DDR 400 (4 512 sticks)
That seems really high for voltage, I'm at stock voltage with 2.6 ghz. Try changing your mem divider?
how many hours is it prime stable for? i've had a proc be 12 hours stable in prime and crash while gaming. you have to be 24hr prime stable.
okayi think ive basically tried everything now, 9X288, 1.5 volts, Peg disabled, ram divider 133 runs at 185 in windows, ht multi link 2x, ram voltage 2.8 loosened the timings to 3-4-4-8. Still no luck. Im guessing i just got a chip that cant be o/c that far =/ CACJE 0602 stepping i bieleve is what i got dont feel like taking the heatsink off =/. if any1 has any ideas plz reply im just totally frustrated and out of ideas
well bf2 no longer has crashed on me but after idiling for a while( few hours ) browsing on the internet i get a complete lockup and still no errors with prime95.
I see you have 4 sticks of RAM. Is your RAM set to 2T command rate? Everyone says you can't really do 1T with 4 sticks on a A64. Maybe try pulling 2 of the sticks and see if the stability improves?
see you have 4 sticks of RAM. Is your RAM set to 2T command rate? Everyone says you can't really do 1T with 4 sticks on a A64. Maybe try pulling 2 of the sticks and see if the stability improves?

Yeah, you may be on to something. I have a socket 754 board, with three dimms. If I run with two sticks of double sided ram, it works fine, but if I put three sticks in with double sides, it wont post. If I put two sticks with double sides, and one stick with single side, it runs prime stable, but crashes every couple of hours, so I just run with two sticks.
When all else fails try setting ram to auto in bios and see what happens. I finally got so frustrated that's what I did and the system booted up and ran great. If your bios has the capability to report all your mem settings you could then tweak from there. Mine allows me to set the DDR divider and I leave everything else to auto. I can then go into another option in bios and see what the system sets the mem timings and command rate to. It works very well.
BTW what brand/model ram are you running? Can you list manufacturer's specs?

Of course it could just be your SLI setup. Try removing one video card and see what happens.
memory and your proc dont like each other

try it with just two stick not just 2T

try with one stick

willing to bet at least one of them and your proc are fueding
Um...here some basic stuff you might wanna try if you havent already...I have exactly the same chip as you do, same stepping and everything...and Im stable at 2.7 stock volts...

Check and make sure all the drivers for your hard ware is upto date, i.e. Graphics card, AMD drivers, Mobo drivers and stuff like that...after you've done that...go into the BF2 game and lower your settings a bit...and if that doesnt work...you said youre running the chip at 1.55v right? prime it for about 30-40 minutes then go into bios and check the temps...maybe unstable because of that, you are running at a high volts....and if that turns out fine(temps nothing over 50c<--my preferance), then youre gonna have to go find a BF2 forums somewhere and find your fix there...
Good point stealthy. When I got my first DFI nf4 SLI-DR I had a bear of a time with getting my Corsair XMS to even boot at stock speeds. In the end, the board (out of the box) was happy with only one of my two sticks. I didn't find this out until I got to the point of booting with just one stick in the terminating memory slots (the orange slots on My DFI...). Fortunately, a new BIOS took care of my woes by providing better stock settings for my Corsair.

Sorry for the dissertation, the short answer being, as stealthy123 points out in his post, that you may want to go stick by stick, slot by slot to see what is making the board cranky. For the A64, the choice of slot is important as the terminating slots are usually the best ones for stability in a 2 stick system. I know you have 4 sticks, but you might want to play around with each stick individually just to make sure.
istymie said:
Good point stealthy. When I got my first DFI nf4 SLI-DR I had a bear of a time with getting my Corsair XMS to even boot at stock speeds. In the end, the board (out of the box) was happy with only one of my two sticks. I didn't find this out until I got to the point of booting with just one stick in the terminating memory slots (the orange slots on My DFI...). Fortunately, a new BIOS took care of my woes by providing better stock settings for my Corsair.

Sorry for the dissertation, the short answer being, as stealthy123 points out in his post, that you may want to go stick by stick, slot by slot to see what is making the board cranky. For the A64, the choice of slot is important as the terminating slots are usually the best ones for stability in a 2 stick system. I know you have 4 sticks, but you might want to play around with each stick individually just to make sure.

with DFI boards...i will second this...DFI is very picky, mine still wont take 4 sticks...only two...so try what this guy is suggesting...but i think he said he had asus? didnt he?
yea i have an Asus A8N32 but ill try the two sticks today to see if i get any crashing. Thx for tips so far though. temps were never much of a problem would hit 48C under heavy load and 35 idle.