Optimize Win 7 tcp?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 25, 2003
Ok, need to figure this out. I did a speed test with my 6 Mb/s service...was getting 2.5 Mb/sec. I always remembered it being faster.

I fired up my tablet, wifi only, same router, etc...and did the same test and got 5.8 Mb/s.
So...the tablet, on wifi, is twice as fast as the PC on a wired connection!

What gives? I ran some tcp optimizers, etc...it actually got slower so I reset my tcp stack and got back to the 2.5Mb/s where I started.

What gives? Is android tcp that much better than Win 7 TCP? Is windows running some BS crap thats slowing it down? Any suggestions to figure it out?
Never mind...it was adapter settings. The defaults enabled jumbo packets and disabled flow control. I set flow control to auto and reduced jumbo packets and throughput went up to 5.9 Mb/s.
It was probably jumbo packets. 9k packets being reduced down to 1.5k or whatever when going out is going to hurt your bandwidth.