Opty 175 or 4400+?


Limp Gawd
Aug 4, 2004
which one will work better (want to OC in the future) with a MSI K8N Diamond Plus. I know that the Opty is made of better material that can be overclocked more but also costs a tad bit more and maybe unsupported by the mobo. what do you guys think?
..the 175 costs a good amount more at this point, and the dual core opterons really don't oc a whole lot better than their X2 counterparts. i vote for the 4400+
And I'd vote for the 4200+ instead since the extra cache isn't worth the extra cost ;).
i'd say get a 170 or 165 instead if you're willing to oc, as they're quite a bit cheaper than the 175.
Actually i've seen better OCs fromt he 165/170 chips. Theres been a few really bad 175's out there that'll barley do 2.6. I'd say save some cash and get a 170, and if you're mobo can handle it get the 165. Put the money into something else that'll help ya more.
SoCalDJ said:
Actually i've seen better OCs fromt he 165/170 chips. Theres been a few really bad 175's out there that'll barley do 2.6. I'd say save some cash and get a 170, and if you're mobo can handle it get the 165. Put the money into something else that'll help ya more.
and in a similar vein, i've seen 165's and 170's not do over 2.3-2.4ghz. same with the X2's. all dual cores are hit or miss.
kirbyrj said:
And I'd vote for the 4200+ instead since the extra cache isn't worth the extra cost ;).
Then why get the 4200+ instead of the 3800+? The extra 200Mhz is nothing when you can OC it :p
{NcsO}ReichstaG said:
Then why get the 4200+ instead of the 3800+? The extra 200Mhz is nothing when you can OC it :p

Exactly :). My two dual core chips have been an X2 3800+ and an Opty 165 ;).
Opty 165, but only because it clocks higher with less voltage. My 3800+ was only good up until about 2.4Ghz with 1.4V and 2.55Ghz or so with 1.5V while the Opty 165 up to 2.6Ghz with 1.4V. Cache makes little difference.
Mayhs said:
which 1 do u prefer?
im assuming the opty because tahts whats in his sig...my 3800 x2 does 2.6 with 1.45v :D
sucks that my ballistix are starting to crap out on me tho :(
I too have an x2 3800 and a Opt165. I the opty gets 2.7 while the x2 barely pulls 2.3 however this is a far from fair test as the opty is in a shuttle setup with far weaker cooling. Still the higher cache beats out any ties (which I dont think there is one) so bang for your buck opty165 if you want to spend money scale up accordingly. Good OCing.
There's the cache argument again :p.

Opty 165 - $320
X2 3800+ - $240 and change from Dell AC

I'd go with the 3800+ even though it has less cache. 2.3Ghz is pretty low even for an X2 3800+. They are usually more in the 2.4-2.5Ghz range (or higher depending on the voltage).