OS based download routing


Limp Gawd
Aug 21, 2004
I am working on a project for work that I simply can't figure out. What I am trying to do is get my Apache server to detect the OS of an incoming clients request and assign a file download based on that OS. This will be for blackberrys that connect to our webserver to get an updated version of software but we want the process to be seamless to the end user and for us from a deployment standpoint. Any ideas?
You could try doing something with mod_rewrite and a rule based on HTTP_USER_AGENT but that could start getting a bit hairy if you start adding adding other phones or being more specific about which Blackberry you're targeting.

If you're going to have more than a small set of rules, you'd probably be better off with a script (PHP, something in CGI, it's not really important what) that looked at the request and then served up the correct file (or redirected the user to the file).
+1 for a server-side page that does the decision making for something like this.