OSX 10.5.7 Update Release

Been running OS X since 10.0 and have NEVER had this problem before trying to run Software Update.


Off to google we go...
Been running OS X since 10.0 and have NEVER had this problem before trying to run Software Update.


Off to google we go...

i got that too. i think its just because their servers are getting hammered right now. i restarted it and it completed fine.
i got that too. i think its just because their servers are getting hammered right now. i restarted it and it completed fine.

Well that makes me feel better. I'll give it another go and see what happens. :)
Mine updated just fine, 449MB, 4 minutes to DL, 10 to install, restart, and I was golden. Applied the Safari 4 Beta update as well, no issues, works just like it did before, but this time with 10.5.7 support.

I wasn't experiencing any problems with my machine, but it's always nice to get some under the hood fixes, and new nVidia drivers should show some nice gains with gaming if i ever decide to get to playing something on my MBP instead of my PC or Consoles...
No dice. Same error when I ran Software Update again. I just downloaded the standalone installer form Apple's download page, installing it manually now.

That's the first time I have ever had an issue with Software Update, usually its so painless.
I got that too, but I'm torrenting like hell right now so I wasn't surprised, it said 17 hours ETA lol.
I used the standalone installed, some people were having problems with the auto updater.... They are getting hammered for this update for some reason. I don't think it's anything to worry about.
auto updater was super slow so i just downloaded from their site. A lot faster that way
I just installed 10.5.7 however i had a problem. After it installed everything, it asked to restart so i clicked restart. It goes to blue screen with the little swirling circle thing on the bottom and then goes to a slightly darker blue screen. Then does the whole process again. After 30 minutes, i held the power button down and manually restarted. However this time when i turned the computer back on, it went into the osx leopard background screen like the install background one and the swirly load circle thing came back and then restarted twice by itself. Now its fine and says 10.5.7 but did i do something wrong? I manually downloaded 10.5.7 from apple and i have a mid 2007 white macbook
I just installed 10.5.7 however i had a problem. After it installed everything, it asked to restart so i clicked restart. It goes to blue screen with the little swirling circle thing on the bottom and then goes to a slightly darker blue screen. Then does the whole process again. After 30 minutes, i held the power button down and manually restarted. However this time when i turned the computer back on, it went into the osx leopard background screen like the install background one and the swirly load circle thing came back and then restarted twice by itself. Now its fine and says 10.5.7 but did i do something wrong? I manually downloaded 10.5.7 from apple and i have a mid 2007 white macbook
Same exact thing happened to me. Seems fine.

Also downloaded from website
yeah seems fine now. I reinstalled again. This time it popped up a message saying something like it had to clear cache. maybe thats why it did that. works fine now
I installed it but I got a problem, for whatever reason, Apple doesn't have my monitor resolution, and from checking the Apple board's alot of people are having the same problem. I should have a 1920 x 1200 but can only go as high as 1920 x 1080. Come on Apple not all of us use your dang monitors, and how long has this been in testing stage?
update was real slow so i got it from apples website.

yupp i had the same issue with my MBP, updater got to the 70% mark and stalled. works fine so far. other people were having issues with their FW ext drives, any issues there?

bout to try it on my macpro, 2x3.0 Dual core xeon.
Got 'stuck' somewhere in the install and corrupted my partition. It just froze at this greenish blue screen.

seemed like that happened to me so i hard restart. Then i let it restart... it restarted itself like 3 time doing something... and i reinstalled and installed again. kinda sucks
One update went smoothly (old G4) and a newer Mac went almost smoothly.

I can't figure out why BT is flaky. I've already deleted the bt preference file and zapped pram (which fixes it for most people), but if the IOBluetoothFamily.kext is loaded at boot, it doesn't work (not recognized as installed). If I remove it from Extensions and reboot, then load it, BT works fine. I guess it's reinstall time. :mad:
I always do the combo update and haven't run into any issues. The DL is quite a bit larger but if you have a number of machines to update it's quicker.
mine seemed to reboot more than once after it had installed as well. heard it chiming from the other room... odd.
One update went smoothly (old G4) and a newer Mac went almost smoothly.

I can't figure out why BT is flaky. I've already deleted the bt preference file and zapped pram (which fixes it for most people), but if the IOBluetoothFamily.kext is loaded at boot, it doesn't work (not recognized as installed). If I remove it from Extensions and reboot, then load it, BT works fine. I guess it's reinstall time. :mad:

like you said i think most people need to clear pram and restart before they install the update
I got that too, but I'm torrenting like hell right now so I wasn't surprised, it said 17 hours ETA lol.

which torrent client do you use, I tried the actual bit torrent version and it does something to make my entire network slow die and time out, when its running all the computers on my network start timing out and losing internet connection, once I quit bit torrent the problem goes away.
That's probably not because of your torrent client, but the number of states your router can handle, either way, I use Transmission.
Hmm, got the update installed and running. Biggest difference seems to be that now my system run at 50c @ 3000rpm on the fans, before it was 80-85c @ 3000rpm!!!

Not sure if this was just because the update rebooted my system (hadn't really been that long since its last update) or what but that's a pretty huge difference!

Macbook Pro 1st gen btw (Intel Core 1 Duo 2ghz)
Most consumer routers really take a beating when you open that many states. You may want to look in your routers configuration, probably under advanced, for Idle TCP Session Timeout, and maximum # of sessions, turning down the timeout will help the router disconnect sessions that are no longer active and will really help. I've only done this on a Linksys, I'm not familiar with the Belkin web interface.