Other big and cheap 1080p monitors


Sep 23, 2004
Anyone know of any that were in the same price range as the Westinghouse 37W3 monitor? I found a link on newegg to a 37" sceptre monitor but it's sold out and other retails are gouging the price on it so I assume it's also been discontinued. Would be great if I could find a 37" or higher monitor for under $900.
Just keep an eye out for the Westy 37W3, it has gone on sale for between $799~$900 more times than i can even remember. Perhaps try doing a search at all of your favorite hot deal forums to figure out who has the best sales on them (pretty sure it's costco, newegg and a couple others). The Westy 42" has hit near your price cap a few times as well.

There's the vizio 37" 1080P but those are generally considered to be slightly inferior to the westy for reasons i'm forgetting.....
Well the Westinghouse was discontinued so most places that still have them are gouging the price on it. You could get a 42" Samsung or other HDTV for the prices that some places are asking. It's the same with the Sceptre that was similarly priced to the westinghouse as well. The cheapest you can find it is close to $1300. Hopefully some other company steps in and offers a large display in the $700-$900 range.
Well the Westinghouse was discontinued so most places that still have them are gouging the price on it. You could get a 42" Samsung or other HDTV for the prices that some places are asking. It's the same with the Sceptre that was similarly priced to the westinghouse as well. The cheapest you can find it is close to $1300. Hopefully some other company steps in and offers a large display in the $700-$900 range.
Heh, had no idea, and surprised. Wonder if they'll eventually replace it with something else.

But i'd definitely research the Vizio 37" at avs's lcd forum (or the sceptre even). The Vizio was a very capable display but several months ago there were minor issues that needed a firmware fix. With any luck those "issues" may have been cleared up.
Keep an eye on the Westinghouse TX-42F430S. Its essentially what replaced the LVM-37w3. MSRP is $1299 but very recently it was on sale at Best Buy for almost $1000. So it wouldn't be far fetched to think it can dip to $900 as we get closer to the holiday season.