Out Of The Loop - New System Time?


[H]F Junkie
Apr 10, 2002
Hey everyone I been working my ass off the last 8 months and have not had much time for Computers.

My Dad is looking for a new PC so I can

A) Give him the PC in my sig & Buy a new one
B) Keep some stuff from my PC and upgrade only parts of it.

I'd kinda hate to give up since a good overclocker, This CPU is near 100% overclocked on air....You know Im a true [H] Overlocker since I would almsot rather keep a slower chip that OC's more. I stopped looking inot PC when Chips became not too much more overclockable, and AMD started locking multipliers n such again. Which is why I still run my 300a @464 in my linux web server.

Just started looking around and wondered what the good stuff is.

I'd like to ditch my NF2 board with the 333 chipset (runs 400np though)
And also my 3 year old Stick of Corsair PC3200 C2 sinve I can't find another V1.0 stick and I think after nearly 3 years it is time to upgrade.

Anyone still around that I know?

Thanks for any Useful Suggestions to help me get my search started.
Justintoxicated said:
Hey thanks for everyone advice on the stuff I should be looking at.

Smartass :D

I'm pretty happy with the stuff in my sig. Still working on the overclock, but if you're going A64 and wanting to overclock there's nothing better than the DFI motherboards. I'd say don't go any lower than a 3200+ Venice A64 (if you can, aim 3700+ San Diego) - and pay close attention to your ram. It's worth the extra $50 for stuff that'll do 2-2-2-8 or better right out of the box (and OCZ helped design the DFI boards, so any of their gold or better stuff is warranty safe up to 3.5v which really helps as the DFI boards can do up to 4v dram for us silly overclockers).

If you can afford to jump to PCI-E it will help matters as then you can look at an NF4 board now as opposed to waiting for an AGP capable (DFI again as an example) NF4 board until June or later.

Chances are good you can keep the HD and optical drives for now. Monitor/keyboard/mouse of course.

I managed to get my current rig for about $900-1000 CDN but I wasn't exactly shopping around. I came into a $540 CDN Paypal windfall (thank you dreamhost rewards program) and was able to sell off a lot of my other old stuff to make up the difference. All told I spent about $80 CDN from my pocket :p

edit - OH! And a new power supply (assuming yours is 20pin ATX) is a MUST. Aim 450W + with 24pin and lots of plugs (dfi motherboards actually require you to plug in both a molex and fd power plug right into the board... for what, I honestly couldn't tell you - but it does).
Depending on how much you have to spend I would recomend a couple of different coarses.

1. 939 PCI-express board...I've heard nothing but good things about the DFI Lanparty SLi
ATi or nVidia PCI-e video card, 6600gt is decent, but 6800gt or a 800 or 850 from ATi.
San Diego Core CPU if you can afford it. Venice next, both should overclock pretty nicely

2. 939 AGP board, I love my MSI Neo2 Platinum!
Again, San Diego or Venice CPU
You can keep your video card or upgrade. I'm using a 6600 gt and it's pretty nice. I also know there are some 6800's that are agp...but if you are upgrading a video card too I would go with option 1.

3. 754 board and new mobile cpu...talk to eclipse about that one...I don't know much about 754 but they are agp only, no PCI-e boards.

I would say 1 if you have the money, 2 if you don't, or 3 if eclipse can give you a good reason to go with 754 ;)

<edit> Oh yeah, probably a gig of nice ram...OCZ or something, check out TCCD ram too...supposed to be hella good stuff and won't need crazy voltage. Or I've been hearing about Twin-Mos if you have good voltage on your mb(Lanparty) or an ocz booster. </edit>
wow some of that stuff you guys recomended is pretty high end!

I want to save some money for Liquid Cooling equipment and a new brushed aluminum fancy case. (I have always wanted one)

Again I bought my current setup 2 years ago for very cheap, I'm looking for a similar bargin where I can buy a cheap CPU less than $100 (although I can afford a little more if nothing in that price range can get a decent percentage OC) and make it go as fast as a 500-$600 CPU. I'm really not seeing this... $500 for a PR rating of 900 more than I have now is just not reasonable, especialy in that I got my MB and CPU for under $150 2 years ago.

I was able to take a $70 CPU and make it run faster than a $500 CPU. Is AMD making crappy chips again or what? Of course when I sold my 1800 for a 1700 because the 1800+ would only do 2000MHZ people told me I was crazy for downgrading and selling the 1800+ for $40 lol.

Are the multipliers locked on Athalon 64s?

I don't knwo what is so special with a non-AGP video card when we arent even reachign the limits of AGP8x... I hate when they switch cause I suppose that is the most important determination of what I need to get when I upgrade..I will have to talk my dad into buying mine. Are their any Flashable Video Cards going around right now? I was very happy to save $200 by flashing mine to a 9800pro and Overclocking it after that!

Will I see HUGE gains is getting a new card? I can't afford to fork out another $400 for a new one right now though I did that for the 4600 and by the time I got a working one I bought a 9800np for less $ than I paid for the 4600, and it is a way better card. I'm not sure if I need to upgrade. I MUST RUN BF2. I have alwyse talked myself into having the fastest vid card out, thats why I got a flashable one heh.

I don't mind forking out a bit extra for memory though as it seems to last longer and is reusable (I have used this stick in 2 PC's over the years and could have used it in 2 others also) And now it will be used in another new system (Dads)!

Oh and I have a 500 watt power supply, your saying this is not good enough, or will it not work for some other reason?