Out of the OC game for a while..Trials with new e8400, please advise

Apr 11, 2008
Just got a new E0 e8400 from newegg, 2x2gb of g.skill 1100mhz ram to go with it. Working with good ole rev 1.0 Gigabyte P35-DS3R, newest bios.

My goal is to be able to run 550fsb, regardless of the multiplier. being able to run the ram at its native speed 1:1 with the fsb was my intent when purchasing this stuff.

What I was just experimenting with:
550x7, 1.300 vcore
system performance set to "standard" instead of "turbo"
memory multiplier 2.00 @ 5-7-7-20
no DDR over voltage
+.2v northbridge

Gets into windows, can run orthos for a little bit, play around, run games, but inevitably I will bluescreen while doing something like checking email. Got a Zalman 9500 fan and don't get above ~65C temps.

So why am I rebooting? Do I need more vcore? Should I overvolt the memory for no apparant reason? northbridge getting too hot? Thanks for the help...
first id try giving the cpu just a tad more voltage to see how it does.. if that doesnt work.. make sure your running your memory at the recommended voltage and if you are you could try adding .1v to it.. that fails you might need to mess around with the other voltages as well.. since im not an intel person i really wouldnt know what to mess with first on the fsb strap voltages/PLL voltages.. but id start with the cpu first..
Bumped up vcore to 1.318, still experienced a crash. Is there a way to know which bluescreens are memory-related and which are cpu related? Basically I just need some technical info on how to best approach testing from this point. I have orthos and memtest86....

I'm worried about the vcore, how much can these chips take safely? This processor was paid for with student loan money, it needs to last me years. Though I am an enthusiast, I'm a broke one. I see really high overclocks stepping up over 1.4v on this core, and that scares me. I'm willing to sacrifice multiplier to achieve lower voltage. Though I was amazed how much snappier Windows 7 is at 550x7 compared to a stock 3.0 clock...

The student loan money has just happened to afford me a new WD Black 640gb drive (two platter) also...Excited about that. :)
I feel like more volts on the cpu are still in order... most people need around 1.4v when nearing 4ghz at a high fsb.
northbridge getting too hot?

Could be. Keep in mind you are OCing the MCH/Northbridge just as much as your cpu if not more as the P35 MCH was speced for a max stock FSB of 333MHz so your 550 is a 65% overclock. The +.2 volts while helping with the OC does not help with heat.

For testing.
Reduce the cpu mulitplier to a much lower value, usually 6 is the min. This will run the cpu slower but leave the FSB speed the same putting the same stress on the board, MCH and memory. Now do your memtest testing with the cpu running at a speed you know it can handle you can eliminate it as the source of the issue.
Yeah, I'd be a little surprised if that P35 MB could do 550 - why not just run at a more sane 500x8 and underclock the memory a little? It's not like the 10% on the FSB is going to make that much real-world difference.
Thank you, this is exactly the type of info I was looking for. It popped into my head to try 550x6 earlier, I'm going to do some trials with that over the weekend if I have time and post my results here when I get things stable.

Running 500fsb or so would be perfectly fine, or even lower. Nothing I'm doing is really maxing out the processor...Just kind of a challenge in the enthusiast spirit. Do I risk damage to the motherboard by running +.2 MCH?