Outlook email sharing


Mar 22, 2002
I wanted to know how to get my laptop to get email from my desktop only. I have a problem where if I use my laptop I can't get the same email on my desktop and vice versa. It's annoying and I have to watch out when getting email. I want to be able to see the same email on both my computers kind of like sync'ed
Since you say Outlook, Im going to guess your using a POP3 email service, right?
Id say to (on the one that you least use ~ laptop?) set the mail to be left on the server for xx amount of days.
That way if you open your Outlook on the laptop, it downloads emails, but they also stay on the email server.
When you get to your desktop and open Outlook, it downloads the emails and then they are not on the email server anymore.
You could probably also set both to be left on the server for like 10 days.
I will try that
do I set the laptop pop3 also? give me a 10 minutes I will see if it works
thanks that's exactly what I wanted. Thanks
Just one more question is there a way to automatically forward an email I receive from a certain address to a group of people that I choose
Im not sure about that, you can do it with Exchange, but I dont know about POP3.
Maybe some sort of rule can be setup in Outlook ?