Outpost: Q6600 @ $299 + S&H


Feb 27, 2005
No free ECS mobo with this deal, but it also isn't a YMMV. :)


EDIT: looks like its already been updated to free shipping!

Methinks I'm going to get one. I sold my C2D in preparation for the quad price drops and spending an extra ~$34 to get that box up and running a few weeks earlier sounds like a reasonable move to me. :cool:
well hawt damn, now I feel even better about not paying $851 for one of these six months ago :D
I would consider this a warm to hot deal considering that it isn't July 22 yet, but also knowing that the price will drop another $30 or so in 3 weeks I would call this a room temp deal. BTW shipping is free.
This is a smoking hot deal, too bad I'm broke :( cheapest I can find an OEM one on pricegrabber is $440
I wouldn't bother, if I were building a new system I'd probably get that right there, yup, suuuuuure would! Looks sooooooo good eh? ;)
Must resist...Must resist, 18 more days and I save $34 more
There are no guarantees that a Q6600 for $266 (qty 1000 tray price) will be retail boxed or that the price will drop instantly. I don't doubt that in 6 weeks it may drop to that level.
DAMN...sold out between the time I added it to my cart and when I went to check out :(.
There are no guarantees that a Q6600 for $266 (qty 1000 tray price) will be retail boxed or that the price will drop instantly. I don't doubt that in 6 weeks it may drop to that level.

good point. I should of known from prior experience.
newegg has tax and shipping cost which should even up the price difference to within 10 bux, which isn't worth the wait.
now I need to find a good mobo. Should I get a p35, or something else? SLI is appreciated but not required and the buget is under 200. Reliability and Stable performance is top priorty.
now I need to find a good mobo. Should I get a p35, or something else? SLI is appreciated but not required and the buget is under 200. Reliability and Stable performance is top priorty.

P35 is the way to go IMHO.
in store you can get a free mobo with that, god, thats like a $50 rebate!
In for one, although I need to call CS to change my credit card number (didn't realize it was still on my old card).
in store you can get a free mobo with that, god, thats like a $50 rebate!
Yes, if your local Frys store is stocking the deal, that is the better option (assuming no tax). But be sure to factor in applicable taxes and gas $$$ beforehand.

My closest Frys is up in Seattle, probably an 1-1.5hrs round trip. Add tax to the equation and it is a worse deal than the online one for the proc only. Which is why I jumped. :)
When did you guys order? They were OOS at 11:00 eastern time online :(.
Yes, if your local Frys store is stocking the deal, that is the better option (assuming no tax). But be sure to factor in applicable taxes and gas $$$ beforehand.
I live 2 blocks from Fry's. :cool: Most of the times I walk there unless I need to carry something large back.
When did you guys order? They were OOS at 11:00 eastern time online :(.
I ordered mine at about 10am PST. Didn't have the "call for availability" listed yet, and haven't received an OOS email. Fingers crossed. :cool:
The B&M deal is the apparently retail boxed processor with HSF and the mobo for the same price, soooo... most people that I've talked with including a guy in Pomona hit up his local Fry's this morning and like no one was there, he got the combo deal and it shows on the receipt as $266 for the Q6600 and $33 for the ECS mobo. He'll probably build a simple server box from the E6600 he already had and put that on the ECS, while he's already dropped the Q6600 in his main power box.
Real nice deal. If only I lived in the states and had the money.

If I were buying though I would seriously consider Tank Guys after July 22nd. I've never bought from them but just went to their online store yesterday and they are guaranteeing G0 stepping after the price cut for under $290 I believe. I would pay an extra $20-30 over newegg price to get a guaranteed great overclocker.

No I don't work for Tank Guys...
What do you need to look for to know that it is G-0 and what are the chances of getting it?
I just spoke to "Isaac" at Fry's.com and he said they are out of stock and should be getting more in within 2 weeks.:mad:
Just placed my order for one, thanks! Out of stock or not, I want to make sure I get one before the inevitable price-raising begins amongst retailers once the cuts hit and demand spikes. Plus, I may get it a little early if they're back in stock more quickly than two weeks.
I am not too sure about that because when I called, they said it will be back in stock in August 20th. who knows if its true or not
What do you need to look for to know that it is G-0 and what are the chances of getting it?

Usually it's just luck of the draw to get a good stepping that is able to overclock or not. Almost every online vendor won't tell you what you're getting.
I ordered mine at about 10am PST. Didn't have the "call for availability" listed yet, and haven't received an OOS email. Fingers crossed. :cool:
Order Number: xxxxxxxxxx
Order Date: JUL 04, 2007 12:43 PM
E-mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I only woke up around 12-12:30 today, Jersey time. :)

Oh, and already changed to the right credit card.
thx OP, i bit at B&M.

Me too. Canceled the online order when I got home. Decided I'd rather have it now rather than wait the week for shipping. Worth the $5 in gas to get it now plus the free POS mobo. :p
Real nice deal. If only I lived in the states and had the money.

If I were buying though I would seriously consider Tank Guys after July 22nd. I've never bought from them but just went to their online store yesterday and they are guaranteeing G0 stepping after the price cut for under $290 I believe. I would pay an extra $20-30 over newegg price to get a guaranteed great overclocker.

No I don't work for Tank Guys...

They are backordered on the preorder :p .
if you guys don't like B3 Stepping then wait till the end of the month and exchange it for new stepping :) which is G0 Stepping I guess
its supposed to be a 95w version of the chip, if im not mistaken. YAY for less heat :)
I think it'll be cheaper when the price drop hits...As fry's always has combos at a price lower or the same of what most retailers(online or not) are selling it for. So, maybe it will be $266 for the board and the processor.
nope, it's just that fry's fucking rocks. Some people die and go to heaven. Geeks die and go to fry's. :)
Real nice deal. If only I lived in the states and had the money.

If I were buying though I would seriously consider Tank Guys after July 22nd. I've never bought from them but just went to their online store yesterday and they are guaranteeing G0 stepping after the price cut for under $290 I believe. I would pay an extra $20-30 over newegg price to get a guaranteed great overclocker.

No I don't work for Tank Guys...

Good call, I just signed up for one