Over G Fighters for X360


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 27, 2004
I was curious, anyone else looking foward to this game? Teamxbox has a pretty good preview on this game, and it sounds exciting. It's been an extremely long time since i've played a good fighter jet combat sim type game, and i'm hoping this will fill that itch i've had. My love for these type of games started with F117a stealth fighter which I enjoyed for a long time on my old 486/66/dx2, which I still have. In the more recent years, I lost interest because many of these types of games were overly complex. Anyone else excited? It sounds like this game will lean slightly towards an arcade style, which would be really fun as long as it still preserves the old feeling I used to get from these types of games.
Yeah, it sounds cool. I'm waiting on reviews before I make my mind up, but I would love to play a decent flight sim too. I agree that a more arcade feel would be good. Too many sim games put too much emphasis on elements other than gameplay.
Old movies bored me, but lately I've been getting the urge to want it more.
As long as there is a first person view, ie Cockpit view, I'll be buying it for the same reasons as the OP. (So disappointed at Blazing Angels lack of cockpit view that I refused to buy the game)
The graphics on Blazing Angels reminded me of a flight sim from 2002 running on a Lowend PC with no Anti Aliasing and 640X480 resolution.
I tried the demo of blazing angels, and I just wasn't impressed. The graphics weren't very good, and it just wasn't very fun. I'm mostly hoping that they do a much better job with the graphics in Over G fighters.
junehhan said:
I tried the demo of blazing angels, and I just wasn't impressed. The graphics weren't very good, and it just wasn't very fun. I'm mostly hoping that they do a much better job with the graphics in Over G fighters.
totally... that stupid guy they put in the plane with you on the training flight... his chatter annoyed the hell out of me, along with the crappy gameplay. i'm surprised [H] even gave it a silver award.
Marcdaddy said:
The graphics on Blazing Angels reminded me of a flight sim from 2002 running on a Lowend PC with no Anti Aliasing and 640X480 resolution.