Overclock! Processor Or Video Card?

well ive discoved that CPU is much more benaficial as you can generaly overclock it more than a graphics card,. For some reason i get almost no performance increase from overclocking my graphics card. Im probiably cpu limited though. Why not do both or just try both and see which offers more benifit?
That totally depends on your setup, and the game in question.

Modern CPUs (Anything over 2.6 for an A64 X2, or 2.4 for a C2D/Q) don't show much in the way of overclocking benefits in-game. Supreme commander shows large CPU OC gains... As do most tactical games.

However, boosting a GTS from 570mhz to 675mhz core speed can result in 3000 extra 3Dmarks, 8 fps in crysis, 15fps in Oblivion, etc.
Yeah I only OC my E6420 to 2.66 / 333FSB just so it run's at 333FSB like the new Intel CPU's . I really can't get anymore FPS in any of my game's with it OCed higher.. but with my 8800GTS I have it OCed to 600/1000 and I get about 10 FPS more in all my game's.. I don't have supcom so I don't know how the CPU oc would effect that but I have heard that it does help that game a little..