Overclock running slower?


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2005
First things first:

Corsair 550W
Abit IP35-E
Intel E4500 (2.2ghz) retail
OCZ DDR2 PC6400 800mhz
BFG 7800GT
Sata 1.5 200gb WD
Vista Ultimate 32bit

So I have set my memory timings correctly(2.10V according to manufacturer recommendations). When I hike up the FSB to anything above 200, the computer starts up fine and there are no problems, except... the system feels very laggy. Games run better(at least they feel smooth and I am getting higher FPS) and programs run fine. But it seems that folders and programs take a little longer to load. It feels like they are sticking for a little bit then coming up. It also seems to take a little longer to boot up. I do not get this "lag-time" when the system is not overclocked.

I know I don't have a problem with heat, cause the temp(according to the abit program, and coretemp) never gets over 35C. I have upped the CPU voltage a little bit and it doesn't seem to change the result.

When I up the FSB, I use a divider usually 1:1.5 to get the memory running at 800mhz. Is there something I am missing or not doing correctly? Like I said, the system is stable(no crashes or freeze ups) but it gets laggy.

Any ideas?

sounds like a case of placebo. if you're *expecting* it to be faster, then it won't be. not to mention the fact that your #1 bottleneck while starting up is NOT your cpu.

I'm guilty of it too, I freak out and worry every time my pc takes 5 seconds extra to load something because I forgot I was running a virus scan, or an idle hd has to spin up, etc etc.
I've had slow downs when I tried to push my overclock too high in certain areas.

To ensure that it was not just my imagination, I run super pi and compare results. In fact, to avoid such issues, I would run superPi after every seemingly successful overclock attempt before wasting my time stress testing.

Don't know exactly why, but I suppose it could be because I was trying to push the system past it's limits in some areas.
if you're *expecting* it to be faster, then it won't be.

I didn't expect it to be much faster. But I did not expect it to lag more.

I've had slow downs when I tried to push my overclock too high in certain areas.

I don't think 225x11 = 2.5ghz is and unreasonable OC. Also my applications do show higher performance. I get better results in superpi and games. It just feels like I went from an Intel to an AMD as far as opening applications and such.