Overclock Voltage Question


Jun 15, 2004
I have a P4 2.4B stepping B0, yes it's old and sucks. I am not buying a new processor so please don't suggest it. I have a ASUS P4P800 motherboard and it seems to have a voltage problem. Right now I have it set to 1.6V in the BIOS but it will fluctuate like crazy until I put the CPU under load then it smooths out to 1.6V. Right now as I'm typing this ASUS Probe is showing the voltage go up to as much as 1.664. Ok here is the question right now I have my P4 @ 2.8. I want to hit the 3Ghz barrier but the system rufuses to be stable from anything beyond this point. I want to raise the voltage to 1.7V but it seems that I read somewhere that after either 1.7 or 1.8 just slowly kills the processor. Can anyone confirm what voltage is safe to run this chip at? Also I don't know if it's my board or the processor but any .25V increase in the BIOS will not help. So basically if I want to go 1.7V I will have to try 1.7V. If I remember correctly the max temp this thing sees is 45C.

ASUS boards tend to sway with the voltages, I think to make things appear more stable at times. To fix this u could do a voltage mod to your mobo, but it is a do it at your own risk kind of thing and really depends on how comfortable u are with soldering. 1.7vcore should be right around where you might be generating some heat and you will likely be slowly killing your cpu, but as long as you're not seeing really high temps it should be just moderately risky. 1.8 is almost definitely a no go unless u have some crazy cooling or u want a new keychain that looks like what used to be a p4. However, I think u just have a dud of a cpu for overclocking.
Be careful when volting your P4 over 1.7 volts. I know that there are those here who will run their chips that high, but I think anything over 1.7 is just too hard on the CPU. P4s will fry if you're not careful.

I had the exact same 2.4B chip you have and I couldn't ever get the damn thing over 3.0GHz. It would run higher than stock, even several hundred MHz over, but it's no 2.4C. Your CPU isn't bad, it's just a B model which never overclocked as well as the C model chips.
You don't want to take your P4 over 1.7v as was already stated. What you need to do is the voltage droop mod. That should smooth out your voltages. It's a common thing with Asus boards, kind of like Abit's VDIMM voltage issue.