Overclocked Versions 9800GX2 Out NOW!


Limp Gawd
Feb 21, 2008
i bought the standard 9800GX2 and i was wondering if the new OC version 9800GX2 SSC gives much better performance and should i send the standard back and get the OC version? can i manually OC this standard version to the new factory OC specs?
should i send this one back and get the OC version? is it worth it?
Wow, talk about a dinky overclock! 3 different models and all they range from is 625-675mhz! I would NEVER buy a model at extra money for a paltry clocking like that. I was waiting just for these overclocked versions to be released but now am extremely disappointed. I hope XFX has a better offering. Usually they are more aggressive when it comes to high clocks anyways, at least that is how they were with the 8800 Ultra overclocked versions. I have not heard of a single 9800GX2 that couldn't do well above 675mhz to make spending the extra coin worth while. Talonman. I have heard you go on and on about waiting for an overclocked version since last week. Please tell me you expected more than this too. Even at only $10 more that is money better spent on upgraded shipping costs etc. At least now we will have some official bios dumps to reflash our vanilla cards with to avoid software based overclocking.
maybe because the cards are already too powerful as is and OC too much would degrade performance.
Talonman. I have heard you go on and on about waiting for an overclocked version since last week. Please tell me you expected more than this too.

I did...

And hoped a solid copper waterblocked version would be released too...

I am looking at this one:

The 675 MHz GPU is disappointing...

I wonder if the watercooled one would be clocked any higher?

I want to click 'buy' today.. but still having last minute jitters...
I beg to differ I think the OC'ed version of the cards are better OC'ing chips in general.. My buddy and I both bought EVGA 8800GTX's back in the day and I bought the OC'ed version and my card OC'ed to 715 on the core and 2250 on the memory where he was stuck at 675 and 2160.. It's like a 30 dollar difference and worth it all day long in my opinion every little bit counts and the hand picked chips are a little better....
Well I have never known EVGA to release anything higher than their SSC variants. If that is the case then what we see here is about as good as it is going to get, at least from EVGA. I have scoured around for overclocked XFX cards but have come up empty handed. Let us see what their XXX variants bring us in terms of clocks. I was hoping for 700mhz at the least, if not up to 720mhz+ on their SSC variant. From reading every review I could find every card did above 700mhz on the core making me think these overclocked models are nothing special.
why is the 9600GT a G94 GPU and the 9800GX2 a G92? i thought the higher end model was supposed to be a G94 as well. what have they done?
Welp, i did it....

I just ordered the EVGA OC'ed 675 MHz model.

I asked him if a OC'ed watercooled model was going to be hitting the EVGA web page in the next few days, and made him aware that I would be willing to wait a few days for it. He let me know that this would not be the case... He thought they were still a ways off from being released.

She may not be as fast as I was looking for, but somehow I'll just have to make due... ;)

Card and shipping came to $625.92. Ordering directly from EVGA should insure an error free step up too I hope, if we get some new cards in thenext 90 days...
cool so you'lle be gaming with that 1 card right? you seem to have a good setup from your signature. enjoy your video games.
I'd hope hes gaming... It'd be like me dropping $750 bucks on my Ultra just to play solitaire... :)
enjoy games and HD movies. get an internal bluray drive and you'lle have the best of both worlds.
I just have an HD DVD drive right now...

Going to get the Blue Ray/ HD DVD combo player soon.
maybe because the cards are already too powerful as is and OC too much would degrade performance.

can a single 9800GX2 be able to play crysis at 1920x1200?

why is the 9600GT a G94 GPU and the 9800GX2 a G92? i thought the higher end model was supposed to be a G94 as well. what have they done?

Oh wow, I didn't think we'd see you back after MajorDomo came down on your ass. Still asking the innane trolling questions I see. Is your PCIe 2.0 slot still giving you more vivid colors?
One request to the OP:

When you get your SSC card could you please go to mvktech.net and get nvflash and post a copy of your BIOS? It is pretty easy and if you'd like to PM me, I can explain how it is done (but I doubt you need me to).

I have a BFG 9800 GX2 and would love to compare my BIOS against your at a HEX level to see if there are any other "changes".


- Stan
It seems you can only buy those OC'd cards from the EVGA website and they keep raising the price has anyone seen these cards in stock at a retailer like Tiger or Newegg???
I think they had their prices wrong from the getgo. The SC version which is 625 core was actually cheaper than the base model of 600mhz. I was checking out the evga site yesterday and found it rather odd that the prices went from 599 > 589 > 609 for them.

Edit.. Ya. Looks like they bumped all of the overclocked cards by 10 bucks. So now its 599 > 599 > 609 > 619. Still odd that the SC is the same price as the stock version.
I would take that as an indication that the stock GX2's price will be lowered, rather than the OC models going to rise more? ...

The SC and Stock GX2 being priced the same is odd...
Oh wow, I didn't think we'd see you back after MajorDomo came down on your ass. Still asking the innane trolling questions I see. Is your PCIe 2.0 slot still giving you more vivid colors?

who's majordomo? quit trolling on my thread and get out. as i said before PCIe 2.0 is superior and has better performance than PCIe 1.1. prove me wrong.