overclocking 8800GTS on Vista 64 question


Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2004
I'm overclocking my eVGA 8800GTS on vista 64 to 850/1000 in nVidia panel but it goes to default when I reboot. What's wrong?
AFAIK, there is no way to over clock on startup in vista x64. I'd love to find out a way to do this.

Currently, you would have to use RivaTuner and then manually disable driver signing every time you boot up.
I use RivaTuner. It will boot up initially at default. Vista x64 will "block" RivaTuner, but when you unblock it will then properly set your're OC (assuming you set it to start on Start Up.

The disable driver signing method never really works for me because I will forget. Using RivaTuner after it has booted is fine with me.
You can use Rivatuner with V64. When you boot up it will ask you if you want to allow Rivatuner to start with a little icon over there in the bottom right that signifies a program was blocked from starting. You just have to click on it and click on run bocked programs-Rivatuner then it will ask you if you want to allow it.

ah...beat me to it.
The ultimate way to remedy this is to just flash your stable clocks right into the bios. You can adjust fan speed while your there and let the card itself do all the work. No software intervention is needed at all and it's guaranteed to work on start up this way.
I have profiles set up in Vista x64 and Ntune (yeah, Ntune, but it works) where it leaves me at default clocks until I start a game, swaps to the overclocked profile, then back to default clocks when the game is over. I believe you need to turn UAC off to do it, but I did that anyways. I'm still waiting for Rivatuner to work at startup though, would make things a lot easier.
Hmm Rivatuner runs fine for me at startup. I did turn off UAC but aside from that did nothing special. I love Rivatuner for the fan profiles, you can squeeze a bit more overclock out of the card and still keep it dead quiet when your not playing games!
Hmm Rivatuner runs fine for me at startup. I did turn off UAC but aside from that did nothing special. I love Rivatuner for the fan profiles, you can squeeze a bit more overclock out of the card and still keep it dead quiet when your not playing games!

Ditto, just turn off UAC and RivaTuner boots fine.
Does turning off UAC have any dissadvantages?

If you practice safe hex then no. However we all know the only safe hex is abstenese. That being said, UAC is Vista's way to give you back control of your computer and what runs on it. It is like one of those programs that asks you everytime something wants to connect to the internet. Except instead of connecting to the internet it asks you everytime something trys to mess with the important part of your computer. In theory this means that a virus would have to ask your permission before it could hurt your computer. Sadly UAC seems to train people to click "continue" even when it is a virus. :( I have UAC disabled on my Vista machine, but I don't download/torrent stuff on it. Disabling UAC leaves your machine no more vunerable than classic XP. There are long threads on this on the forum and I'll leave it up to you to make an informed decision. But since your a [H]ard forum member your qualified to make that call :cool:
AFAIK, there is no way to over clock on startup in vista x64. I'd love to find out a way to do this.

Currently, you would have to use RivaTuner and then manually disable driver signing every time you boot up.
Geez, that's a hassle, glad I'm still on XP:cool: