Overclocking AMD 64 3200+


Nov 25, 2003
Hey all, i just got a amd 64 3200+ and i want to overlcock it. Its running at stock and I have a Venus 7+ High Performance Copper Cooler for AMD Opteron & Athlon64 heatsink on it (not the stock one). The hottest my cpu has gotten is 30 after being on for two days so do you guys recommend me overclocking? Also if so, please tell me how. Through BIOS or what?
You have the mobo and memory to overclock so just up the FSB in bios 3mhz at a time and run prime for half an hour or so or just try your luck and set it to 210mhz then go up in 3mhz increases.

If it goes wrong flash bios and start again. I would say 220mhz fsb is a good target for ur setup.

tYa my a64 3000 runs stable all day and all night at 10X230 2300Mhz VCORE at 1.6, if i run upwards of 235FSB or 240FSB which it will boot in at it will lock. Im using a Shuttle AN50R and 1 stick of corsair XMS3200, im impressed because the chip costs nothing, dont get me wrong its fast but is slow compared to my FX51 running 2 W>D> raptors in raid at 2450Mhz on air.