Overclocking E8400 EO on Abit IN9 32XMAX WIFI


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 4, 2007
All the overclocking I ever did was with AMD Athlons and X2's and that was just a FSB tweak unlocked from the ram. I never messed with the ram either. Now with intel it seems so much more indepth and this crap is giving me a headache. I don't understand the formulas and the extra voltage settings. I've read what I can understand, but it's just a lot of crap for someone with bad A.D.D I will post in my tests from another forum I'm on but what all the forums I see refer to FSB is completly different then my bios/board portrays.

System config
Intel Celeron C2D E8400 Wolf E0
2x1gb Crucial Ballistix PC8500
2x EVGA Geforce 9800GTX Ko's non + versions

Might I add this is a fresh install on a new drive and for some reason Rivatuner doesn't give me the option to increase the fan speed there is no tab at the top of the window. Anyone know how to fix this? This is the same version of Rivatuner I used with the benchmarks below. But these heatconductors default at 35% fan speed and idle about 61-62 So for me to bench I need the fans up at 100%

Thats about all that is needed for overclocking even the gpus are irrelavent.

Below is my long winded test after test bumping people down the ladder on my way to the top at one of our forums in 3dmark 06 As you will be able to see I sorta have it down then again I don't considering sometimes I can go back to my last stable bench in 3dmark and either when I restart it will hand on the post screen, verifying dma, windows loading screen or it will even dump out 3dmark in the middle of a test. I can't tell you how many times I've had to trip the bios reset switch in the back of the case. I've gotten 1 second BSOD screens on windows loading or as soon as it shows the desktop. You name it I've gotten it. Hell black screens period after a restart with no post to the monitor. My head is killing me from trying to get this thing stable again at 4.0ghz like I had it with this crucial ram. I had some crappy ocz sli ram that wouldn't do anything for overclocking very unstable around 900mhz even.

So anyway on with my test and if someone knows where I can start to get back on top again please chime in and tell a retard wtf he is doing wrong.


I finally crossed over and got an E8400

E8400 Abit IN9 32X MAX Same ram and video. This is a stock run just finally finished installing all the board drivers.

Single 9800GTX
13969 Marks
SM2 6415
HDR 7164
CPU 2790

Running in SLI
15085 3D Marks
SM2 6379
HDR 8760
CPU 2807

I'm impressed This is a stock run beating my Overclocked AMD system by nearly 500 marks with just one card.

Mild OC Ram from @ 800mhz to @900mhz
Anyone Know safe zone for Crucial Ballistix?
Mild OC CPU to 3150. I don't quite understand the oc on intel processors or its just this dang Abit bios I dunno. Its kinda confusing. AMD you just set the FSB up and your good at least thats How I always did it.

15816 Marks
SM2 6714
HDR 9132
CPU 2954

Bumped Ram to TRC @30 2T 2.2V running @ 1000mhz
Upped cpu to 3375 mhz

16754 Marks
SM2 7111
HDR 9595
CPU 3160

Impressive and these chips are supposed to hit 4.1 at EO revision. Seems that when I oc the gpus my scores drop though Odd as hell so I've been leaving them on stock.

Up a tad more Ticked up the Memory on the gpu's to 1200 from 1125

16797 Marks
SM2 7054
HDR 9728
CPU 3155

HELL YEA getting close to 17000
Set GPU'S to 820/1200/2040 Its not stable at 825 :-( Get locks
I Think I'm about outa room on the gpu's :-(

16940 Marks
SM2 7207
HDR 9776
CPU 3159

Another Cpu bump 3.6GHZ Ram same and gpu same
17880 Marks
SM2 7642
HDR 10206
CPU 3366

CPU AT 3825 Ram 992mhz GPU 825/1150/2052
18726 MARKS
SM2 8098
HDR 10495
CPU 3566

Sorry Dizzykc but down ya go. Muuuuhahahhaha
CPU @ 3938mhz ram @ 1000mhz GPU's @ 825/1150/2052

19193 MARKS
SM2 8338
HDR 10680
CPU 3671

GPU @ 830/1200/2064
19227 MARKS
SM2 8325
HDR 10753
CPU 3666

Ok Kinda at a stalemate with the above. I either lock on boot, Freeze on windows load, get error in windows bla bla file, 3dmark crashs, or it locks up. I've gone up and down left and right and seem to not be able to get another stable setting out of it. :-(

OK odd but I went back to the last setup I posted and I hit higher and stable
19260 MARKS
SM2 8359
HDR 10767
CPU 3666

Still has some room Cpu up to 3960mhz Ram down to 990mhz
19324 MARKS
SM2 8373
HDR 10793
CPU 3688

Upped the cpu to 4027mhz Ram down to 794mhz kept gpu at the same still.
19444 MARKS
SM2 8436
HDR 10828
CPU 3720

CPU down to 445 x9 1.38v Ram up to 998mhz GPU SAME I can't keep a screenshot of this one because paint isn't opening and I don't have another program for photos on the game right so I can't PRNT SCEEN to anything else damnit.
19483 MARKS
SM2 8464
HDR 10863
CPU 3716

Cpu 444x9 @ 4000mhz Ram @ 1000mhz GPU @ 825/1240/2052
19501 MARKS
SM2 8470
HDR 10867
CPU 3724

1-28-09 Stayed at home because of the ice. So I was bored.
CPU 454X9 @ 4093MHZ OH YEA MIGHT I MENTION STILL ON STOCK VOLTAGE 1.25 Where everyone else is getting close to 1.38-1.4Memory (UPGRADED FROM 4X1GB CRUCIAL BALLISTIX TO 2X2GB OCZ SLI More like a downgrade I haven't gotten the computer to boot off this shit on anything over 900mhz) So the ram is at tRC 30 @ 793MHZ GPU 830/1240/2064

19523 Marks
SM2 8449
HDR 10818
CPU 3767

Bumped the cpu up to 457x9 @ 4109MHZ

19565 Marks
SM2 8481
HDR 10819
CPU 3778
System Specs/Config 3DMARKS SM2 HDR CPU Stability Commnets
Stock cpu Ram 889mhz 5/5/5/15 2.1V GPU 830/1240/2064 15059 6385 8709 2810
CPU @ 350X9 FSB 1400 1.25V RAM 4 gigs @900MHZ 5/5/5/15 2.1V GPU 830/1240/2064 15868 6713 9218 2950
CPU @ 375X9 FSB 1500 1.25V RAM 4gigs @900MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.1V GPU 830/1240/2064 16879 7171 9742 3152
CPU @ 375X9 FSB 1500 1.25V RAM 4gigs @1000MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.1V GPU 830/1240/2064 16883 7197 9720 3154
CPU @ 400X9 FSB 1600 1.25V RAM 4gigs @1000MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.1V GPU 830/1240/2064 17882 7651 10221 3357
CPU @ 424X9 FSB 1700 1.25V RAM 4gigs @992MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.1V GPU 830/1240/2064 18793 8121 10593 3556
CPU @ 432X9 FSB 1730 1.25V RAM 4gigs @998MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 738/1125/1836 18787 8256 10311 3613
CPU @ 435X9 FSB 1740 1.25V RAM 4gigs @1000MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 738/1125/1836 18902 8300 10366 3642
CPU @ 436X9 FSB 1744 1.26V RAM 4gigs @997MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 738/1125/1836 18952 8330 10387 3651 Upped cpu Voltage
CPU @ 444X9 FSB 1778 1.26V RAM 4gigs @1000MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 738/1125/1836 19252 8470 10515 3720
CPU @ 447X9 FSB 1789 1.30V RAM 4gigs @1007MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 738/1125/1836 19320 8516 10517 3742 Upped cpu Voltage
CPU @ 447X9 FSB 1789 1.30V RAM 4gigs @1033MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 738/1125/1836 19354 8538 10538 3745
CPU @ 450X9 FSB 1800 1.30V RAM 4gigs @1028MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 738/1125/1836 19442 8594 10562 3765
CPU @ 447X9 FSB 1790 1.30V RAM 4gigs @1018MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 815/1200/2027 19567 8547 10832 3746
CPU @ 447X9 FSB 1790 1.25V RAM 4gigs @994MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 830/1240/2064 19587 8526 10894 3741 Lowered cpu Voltage
CPU @ 447X9 FSB 1790 1.25V RAM 4gigs @994MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 830/1240/2064 19601 8531 10903 3744
CPU @ 447X9 FSB 1790 1.25V RAM 4gigs @1033MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 830/1240/2064 19630 8560 10913 3745
CPU @ 450X9 FSB 1800 1.30V RAM 4gigs @1030MHZ 5/5/5/18 2.2V GPU 830/1240/2064 19716 8590 10948 3769 Upped cpu Voltage
Current runs on a fresh reload.
Abit IN9 32XMAX Intel E8400 2X2 GIG Ballistix D9's 2X EVGA 9800GTX KO SC's older non + versions Win xp sp2
Kinda at a stalemate here anything over 450 on the cpu and it wont load windows or the board bios resets to defaults. and for those haters out there:

Was just wondering what FSB frequencies this motherboard can handle? I have an E8600 I recently put in there and want a modest overclock. What also wondering what nb, sb voltages you need?

I want to up th fsb to 400mhz and lower the multiplier one notch and run the ram synced at 800mhz with tight timings even though my ram is also rated for 1066 not sure the motherboard can handle it. Using bios 15 right now,

Necromancer davidm71 casts Necro Thread on target Thread

on a related note, it would seem the board can push an fsb of 450mhz

and if i can see correctly, i see 447mhz fsb w/ stock voltage [depends on the chip pretty much.]

and if you want to
up th fsb to 400mhz and lower the multiplier one notch and run the ram synced at 800mhz with tight timings even though my ram is also rated for 1066 not sure the motherboard can handle it.
just do it...and see what happens
I tried raising the fsb and at 400mhz fsb nb1.4 sb1.55 the vista desktop seemed sluggish, and cpu-z said that I was at 10x400 despite setting max multi to 8, then upon reboot the post stalled on the raid array post. Might have to disable eist function and try again,
