overclocking i5 4670k


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 4, 2005
What's a safe voltage to use with these chips? Is anything over 1.3V not good for the chip? I keep reading different things on how high to go on the voltage.
Ivy bridge got people saying 1.3 to 1.45v, I figure it should be the same if not a little bit lower on Haswell.
I have one and if on air would not go over 1.3v. I couldn't even break 4.2GHz without going to 1.265v
I have one and if on air would not go over 1.3v. I couldn't even break 4.2GHz without going to 1.265v

you may just have bad luck on the silicone lottery. seen people push 4.6Ghz on 1.3v on these CPU's. I am not well aware of what's the average OC these can get tho, so don't really quote me on what should be an "easy" OC.
My chip is at 4.1ghz @ 1.325 volts, should I dial down the overclock to 4.0ghz? Is 1.325 volts too much? Chip is 20-30 Celsius at idle and 58 Celsius after running AIDA64 for 25 hours. I have a Zalman 320 water/air cooler.
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