Overclocking in D3.... an issue for the majority??


Mar 20, 2002
This is my experiences so far with D3 and OCed video and cpu. Please add your own experiences, thoughts, ideas.

My BFG 5900nu usually is OCed to a 5950 @ 475/950, but after 45 minutes of playing D3, I got slight speckles/snow. That was with my AC super-cooler pumping cold air inside my case, load temps during D3 for the video card was low 60's. When playing Battle Field Vietnam while clocked at 475/950, the card temps get into the low 60's, with no speckles/snow. So the video card is working harder, but I don't believe it is a heat issue with the video OC.

Once I bumped the 5900 OC down to 450/875 (still OCed from 400/850), there were no more speckles/snow, and D3 runs perfectly smooth without any lag or stuttering or artifacts. That is at 1040x768, high details, shadows, surround, and everything else turned on (no AA/AF). I don't believe it's a heat issue due to my super cooler and previous results with BF:VN.

** One other point of interest: When I first fired the game up and was setting up my controls, the game hard locked my computer. I rebooted, but it did it again. So I turned my cpu OC down from 3.5 to 3.2. I got farther doing the setup that time, but it hardlocked when I was starting a new game. So I turned my cpu OC down from 3.2 to stock at 2.8. Everything was perfectly fine from then on.
I have my P4 3.0c @ 3.55 - 235 FSB, and my 6800GT at 420/1.13 and Doom 3 working fine with zero issues. Whew.. runs awesome..