Overclocking my XP-M2500+


Jul 6, 2004
Wow. thats all i have to say.

I jsut overcloacked my 2500+ to 3200 speeds, its at 200x11, to give me 2.2 Ghz. Such an awesome CPU.

One question, ive got my vcore at 1.6, i havent tried to overclock higher than this, will i be able to go higher iwth this vcore? or will i need to raise it at all.

Also shuld i now raise my multiplier more or my FSB more?

-a happy amd 2500+ owner
Now that you've achieved a decent level your changes should come more slow and deliberate. Experiment with higher multi's seperately from higher frontside bus. Thats because AXP mobo's can freak out from the tiniest changes so keeping it simle helps in diagnosing problems.

Keep in mind that certain mobos/cpus hate certain mulipliers, example: 11x200=crashes/reboots but 11.5x200 could be perfectly stable, odd as it may sound.

Try raising multiplier .5 and test. If its not 99.99% stable then bump vcore .25~.50 and test again, keeping the frontside bus @ 200 rules out memory/fsb as a possible weak-link and probes your cpus limitations instead. You can always bump up fsb after you've discovered your cpu's limits.

Try to keep your cpu vcore as low as stably possible because it can otherwise heat up the cpu unnecessarily.

Remember that most NF7-S mobos max at 220fsb and many of them can only reach 210-215fsb (unless physically modded)
I'm running my Mobile 2500+ I got today at 1.75vcore and 12.5 x 200 ;)

Pretty spankin fast :D

Bought it for under $40 from a naive friend... how awsome is that.
also what should my temps be? i think my cpu is 38 right now is that too high?
i've got 1.8v running through mine. i've had it upto 1.9v. you can't really kill a XP chip with too much voltage.
Prime95ing it with a Koolance setup (I'm lazy) I hit about 47°C. I won't go over 50.
keep your temps below 60c... 70c will fry a cpu.. try to really do it under 50c.. my cput is 42c idle 45c load...
the chips in my dualie run at about 60c just fine.

they'll start locking up WAY before they fry.