Overclocking on Jetway 939-GT4 SLi


Limp Gawd
Feb 13, 2006
I love this board, and thought i had everything figured out

i'm looking to get an opty 165 for 160$ off newegg, but am trying to find my max fsb on this board (because the 165 will prolly be fsb limited if anything)

i can only get it to about 280, which is lower than i wanted (i put the chip at 9x multi so it's all good, and my ram which is usually at 250 @ 223 (i thikn that's how the math worked out))

anyways, my cpu is at 1.525V, which is stable up to 2.79ghz, but i have the option for NB and LDT voltage changes, up .1V or so. would that help?

i just rebooted to see if i couuld inch up the fsb, but the comp didn't come back up. boo for bois resets!

anybody have any ideas?
i just reread everything and realized i left something big out

my 2.79ghz is with 279fsb x 10

so idk what gives sometimes